30th Environmental Energy Symposium & Exhibition
5 - 8 April 2004
San Diego, CA
Sessions: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Tuesday, April 6, 2004
The DoD Sustainable Ranges Initiative
A Culture of Sustainability
National Environmental Performance Track
Department of the Navy & the Environment - Challenges & Opportunities
Naval Facilities Engineering Command
Navy Installations Command
- CAPT Andy Brunhart, USN
Navy Region Southwest "Environmental Issues from a Regional Perspective"
- CAPT Tony Gonzales, USN
Army Panel on Sustainable Ranges
Fort Bragg - "More Than A City"
- COL Gregory Bean, USA
PM Brigade Combat Team Environmental Management
Wednesday, April 7, 2004
ESOH Resource Transformation
AF Environmental Transformation
Arctic Surplus Salvage Yard Response Complete Report Pending Delisting Actions
- Lt Col Daniel Welch, USAF
Transformation of The AF Programs to Performance Based Management
- Lt Col Daniel Welch, USAF
The Air Force Military Munitions Response Program
An Overview of Defense Logistic Agency
Strategic Distribution/Forward Stocking
Defense Energy Support Center OEF/OIF Support
Contingency Operations Update DRMS
Defense Supply Center Philadelphia
- Integrating Your Environmental Management System With Community Stakeholders, Mr. Jimmy Parrish
- NASA EMS Building Blocks to Success, Mr. Michael DeWit
- The EPA National Environmental Performance Track: An Overview, Mr. John Foster
- Environmental Management System Implementation, Mr. Phillip Wood
- ISO 14001's EMS Framework Interpreted for Application at DoD Installations, Mr. C. Christopher Fafard
- Environmental training - how the Swedish defence Materiel Administration found a winning concept, Ms. Anette Svensson
- Linking the Worlds of Acquisition and Installations, Antonia Giardina
- Reaching Beyond the Fence Line Improving Public Involvement to Achieve Sustainability, Ms. Karen J. Baker
- Sustainment and Futures Seminar, Army Environmental Policy Institute
- Installation Sustainability Program (ISP) A Model for ARNG Training Centers, LTC Jeffrey G. Phillips
- Searching for Sustainability in an Encroaching and Transforming Environment, Mr. David S. Eady
- Accessing EPA's Compliance Data: Know What the Regulators Know, Mr. Will Garvey
- Environment, Safety and Occupational Health (ESOH) Performance Measures, Mr. Donald Kennedy
- Coordinating Energy Efficiency Project Evaluation with Voluntary Emission Reduction Registration, Mr David Sumi
- Performance Metrics for EMS Self Assessment & Management Review, Mr. Daniel Hillman
- Evaluation of Ambient Metals in the San Francisco, California Area, Mr. Patrick Brooks
- Combined Perchlorate and RDX Treatment in Biological Fluid Bed Reactors, Mr. William J. Guarini
- Army Overhauls Cleanup Program Management, Mr. Russ Marshall
- Facilitating Effective Environmental Restoration Management and Tracking in an Era of Increasing Scrutiny, Ms. Regina Dixon Butler
- Innovative Options for Ex-Situ Removal of Perchlorate and Explosives in Groundwater, Ms. Katherine Weeks
- Evolution of Blast Chamber Technology for Demiliterization, Mr. Mark Morris
- Modular Biotreatment Systems Versus Oil-Water Separators, Mr. Mario Maningas
- Reduction of VOC Emissions from Paint-Booth Operations Using Dielectric Barrier Discharge, Mr. Gregory Holland
- Methodology to Transition WSP2 Technologies, Mr. Jerad Ford
- PM2.5 Implementation--USMC Operational Impacts Assessment, Mr. Jeff Davis
- Pollution Prevention Metrics Promoting Activity Accountability and Managing Environmental Improvements at CNRSW, Ms. Delphine Lee
- DoD NESHAP Compliance through P2: Implementing Environmentally Compliant Alternatives to VOC/HAP Solvents, Mr. Wayne Ziegler
- Conventional Wisdom? a better way for the Navy to refuel ships overseas, Mr. Matthew Philipp
- Wind Farm Technology: Is it the Answer?, Mr. Mike Hicks
- Resource Efficiency Management - An Innovative Energy Management Support Tool, Mr. Ben Hough
- Building Energy Conservation into Corporate Culture, Mr. Andrew Gluck
- Improving The Energy Cconsumption and Environmental Iimpact Aspects of Military Base Camp Operations Through The Use of Supercritical Water Oxidation Technology, Asdrubal Garcia-Ortiz
- A Business Approach to Compressed Air, Lee DiClemente
- The Intergovernmental Data Quality Task Force (IDQTF), Mr. James Woolford
- Defending the Rights of Metals: How to Distinguish Naturally High Groundwater Concentrations from Site-Related Contamination, Ms. Karen Thorbjornsen
- Conversion of Petroleum Contaminated Soil into Asphalt-Treated Road Base, Mr. Scott McKean
- Triad's Common Sense Approach, Ms. Angela McMath
- Thoughts on The Military, the Environment and a Different Pair of Dimes, Mr. John Selstrom
- Environmental Issues Associated with Deployed Operations, Mr. Robert Chatier
- Environmental Leadrership, Ms. Diana Robinson
- Tree Inventory Database Spangdahlem Air Base, Germany, Heiko Geithner
- Planning for Installation Transformation: Sustainable Planning, COL Gregory Bean, USA
- Fort Bragg: Home of Airborne Operations
- Assessing Current and Future Technologies To Meet The Range Sustainability Challenge, Mr. James Tankersley
- Encroachment and Range Sustainability Military Training Enhances Biodiversity, Ms. Debra Dale
- Heavy Metals on Army Training Lands, Mr. Stephen P. Shelton
- Impact of Encroachment on Military Training Quality A Framework and Methodology for Establishing Degraded Military Skills Due to Encroachment of Training Ranges, Mr. Paul Reinke
- Development of Air Emissions Factors from Munitions Use, Ms. Tamera Rush
- Using ISO 14001 and EDYS as a Framework for Creating a Sustainable Range Management System, Mr. Gary Chiles
- Managing Voluminous Public Comments, Peggy Farrell
- Fast-tracking NEPA Documents Tools to Overcome Schedule Delays, Mr. John King
- NEPA, Noise and the F/A-18 E/F, Mr. Dan Cecchini
- Successfully Integrating NEPA and Environmental Permitting into a DoD Hazardous Waste Treatment Facility Construction Project to Meet Budget and Schedule, Mr. William J. B. Pringle
- NEPA, Noise and the Super Hornet, Mr. Fred Pierson
- Supporting NEPA: Sustainable Range Planning Tool, Mr. Paul Loechl
- Wave Energy Technology Project, Ms. Elizabeth Meyer
- Longitudinal Tracking Of Health Risks Associated With The Soldiers' Lifecycle Assignment, LTC Judith Ruiz
- Confirmation Of CPT Video Microscope Estimates Of In Situ Soil Porosity and NAPL Saturations, Mr. Len Sinfield
- Biodegradation Of Mustard Agents From Assembled Chemical Rounds, Dr.Joseph J. DeFrank
- InSitu Thermal Remediation Using Electrical Resistance Heating (ERH), Mr. David Fleming
- Nanotechnologies for Environmental Benefit, Mr. Jim Tankersley
- The Military Science of International Environmental Security, COL W. Chris King
- Navy/Marine Corps Mobile Source Emissions Growth Projection and SIP Planning, Massie Hatch
- Department of Defense Ozone Depleting Substances Reserve, Mr. Ronald Sibley
- Civil Support Teams: Are They Ready?, LTC Rob Brown
- External Second Gate, Fourier Transform Ion Mobility Spectrometry: "FT-IMS" Next Generation Ion Mobility Spectrometer, Mr. Edward E. Tarver
- Implementing an Integrated Environmental and Safety Management System, Ms. Mary Davidson
- Enterprise Approach to Environmental Management Tools, Mr. Larry Donmoyer
- Evapotranspiration Cover For Containment At US Army Fort Carson Landfill Site, Mr. Patrick McGuire
- Multiphase Extraction Theory vs. Practice, Mr. David J. Berestka
- Installation Restoration (IR) Collaboration Gateway, Mr. Scott McAvoy
- Executive Order 13148: Using Technology to Support that Mission, Mr. Greg Gasperecz
- How to Take a Truly Representative Environmental Sample, Mr. John P. Jent
- How Can It Benefit Business? A Survey of ISO 14001 Certified Companies in Thailand, Mr. Michael Schuster
- Implementing an Integrated Environmental, Safety, and Occupational Health Management System (ESOHMS) at the Defense National Stockpile Center, Mr. James D. Wood
- MCB Butler's Lessons Learned From Partnering With EPA In EMS Development In An Overseas Environment, LtCol Dean Levi
- Environmental Management System Implementation at Anniston Army Depot, Ms. Ann Worrell
- Air Program Information Management System (APIMS): From CCS to EESOH-MIS, Mr. Steve Rasmussen
- DNA And PLFA Analysis For Remediation Optimization, Mr. Len Sinfield
- Phytoremediation of TCE in a Shallow Alluvial Aquifer A Field Demonstration, Mr. Gregory J. Harvey
- Recontamination and Recharacterization, Ham Lake Area, Northway Staging Field, Alaska, Shah Alam
- Use of a Net Environmental Benefits Analysis (NEBA) Approach For Remedial Decision Making at Two BRAC Sites, Mr. Joseph P. Nicolette
- Low-Temperature Thermal Treatment of Chlorinated-Benzene Contaminated Soil Using an Innovative Batch Treatment System Eastland Woolen Mill Superfund Site, Corinna, Maine, Denise V. Roy
- Integrating an EMS Framework into the Pollution Prevention Program at Tinker AFB, Mr. Gary W. Chiles
- The C&D Debris Lifecycle: Reuse/Recycling Optimization, Dr. Ed Smith
- Defense Supply Center Richmond Battery Support, Mr. Steve Perez
- Re-refined Oil Programs, Mr. Steve Perez
- Joint Environmental Material Management Services, Mr. Terry Tibbs
- Replacing Perchlorate in the M115A2 & M116A1 Simulators, Mr. William Ruppert
- A Stakeholder-Based Approach to Rethinking, Reconfiguring and Recommissioning a Complex Data Center, Mr. Jon Duke
- Estimated Costs of Projecting Electric Power onto a Battlefield, Dr. Michael E. Canes
- Navy Region Southwest Renewable Energy and Distributed Generation Projects, Mr. Dale Foster
- Proposal for Fuel Cell and Other Clean-fuel Powered Ferries for Pearl Harbor (USS Arizona Memorial), Mr. Mike Hicks
- Meeting Lighting Needs and Still Saving Energy, Mr. Chris Lowery
- Waterless Urinals and Garbage Disposal Systems: Two Examples of Institutional Water Efficiency An Analysis of Water Use at the Presidio of Monterey, Mr. William Y. Davis
- Annette Island Project Teaming Strategies, Mr. Robert Johnston
- Innovations in Environmental and Energy Programs Sustainment, Dr. Peg Anthony
- Stream Lining Cross Connection Surveys Using Pocket PCs, Mr. Greg Pagett
- RFID A Foundation for Change, Mr. Robert Waits
- Aerosol Can Evacuation & Compaction Unit, Mr. George Tabak
- Toxic Mold Assessment, Mitigation, and Prevention at DOD Facilities, Ms. Kim Taylor
- Department of Defense Military Munitions Response Program (MMRP) Update, Mr. Vic Wieszek
- Case Study: Application of a Field GIS/GPS System to a Former Target Range to Supplement an Environmental Baseline Survey, Mr. Brian D. Corbett (Warning: This is a large file!! 157,741 KB)
- UXO Migration: Frost Heave and Possible Salt/Chemical Heave of UXO, Mr. Thomas Bernitt
- Treatment of Energetic Wastes by Open Detonation at China Lake, Laurie Zellmer
- Standardized UXO Technology Demonstration Sites, Mr. Larry Overbay
- Arctic Surplus Salvage Yard Response Complete Report Pending Delisting Actions, Lt Col Daniel Welch
- Protection of Critical Environmental Infrastructure A Report on a Series of Infrastructure Security Summits, Mr. Will Kirksey
- Chemical Homeland Security System, Mr. George Thompson
- Terrorism Walk In The Sandals Of Your Enemy, COL Ronald A. Torgerson (Ret)
- Phase II Stormwater Resources – Developing Educational Materials For Optimum Results At Federal Facilities, Mr. William F. Fifty
- Streamlining Storm Water Permit Implemntation Through Use Of An Information Management System, Mr. John W. Hart
- U.S. Marine Corps Sustainable Installations Readiness Campaign, Mr. Elmer Ransom
- Approaching Water Sustainability through Water/Wastewater Reductions, Mr. William Fifty
- Installation Sustainability Program (ISP) - a model for ARNG Training Centers, LTC Jeffrey G. Phillips
- Leadership In Sustainable Practices, Mr. Alan Hurt
- Linking the Worlds of Acquisition and Installations, Mr. Antonia Giardina
- Clean Air Act Implementation Through an Environmental Management System, Mr. Anthony Phillips
- Miscellaneous Organic NESHAP Compliance for a New Countermeasure Flare Production Facility at the Milan Army Ammunition Plant, Mr. Dennis Knisley
- Evaluation of the Digital Opacity Compliance System (DOCS) at Military and Commercial Industrial Sites, Dr. Michael J. McFarland
- California Airborne Toxic Control Measures for Particulate Matter Emissions from Diesel-Fueled Engines, Mr. John Gilliland
- Model for Evaluating Long-Term Environmental Monitoring Effects at Chemical Demilitarization Facilities, Magge Wilcox
- Avoiding Conflict During Environmental Investigation and Restoration through the Use of Simple But Effective Community Involvement Techniques, Ms. Karen L. Ekstrom
- Integrating Ecosystem Management with Range Readiness Goals on US Air Force Ranges, Mr. Robert A. Mickler
- Interest-Based Outreach, Jan Larkin
- Challenges Associated With Horizontal Directional Drilling and Piping Installation Under A Major Highway For The Remediation Of A Petrolium Plume, Mr. Michael Heffron
- Cultural Competency in Federal Environmental Justice and Public Participation Programs, Maude Bullock
- Army's Residential Communities Initiative (RCI) Program, Mr. Mike Betteker
- Sustainable Development: The Swedish Defence Sector Is Contributing!, Mr Bengt Stromstedt
- Innovative uses of GSA Schedules in Support of DoD & Federal Agencies Transformation Initiatives, Mr. Andrew E. Randles
- "Green" Products & More From DLA, Ms. Karen Moran
- Developing Tools for Project Managers to Make Environmental Considerations in the Systems Acquisition Process, Joakim Tornéus
- FMV - Technology for Sweden's Security, Joakim Tornéus
- Pay-for-Performance Subcontract Stimulates Innovation and Reduces Cost During Remediation of a VOC Groundwater Plume at NAS North Island, Mr. Mark Bonsavage
- Capabilities Improvement Toolkit, Mr. Bill Custer