Precision Strike Program Executive Office (PEO) Summer Forum

"Precision Engagement Capabilities for the Future"

27 - 28 July 2005

Fort Walton Beach, FL

DTIC Citations

Keynote Address:

  • Major General Robert W. Chedister, USAF, Air Force Program Executive Officer for Weapons, and Commander Air Armament Center, Air Force Materiel Command, Eglin AFB, FL

Precision Engagement - U.S. Air Force Perspective

  • Acquisition at the Air Armament Center, Mr. Thomas Robillard, Director Air-to-Missile Systems Wing, Eglin AFB, FL

Precision Engagement - U.S. Army Force Perspective

  • PEO Ammunition, Mr. James Sutton, Deputy Executive Officer, Ammunition
  • Excalibur XM982, Mr. Chris Grassano, Deputy Product Manager, XM982 Excalibur
  • Viper Strike Overview, LTC John Oxford, USA, Product Manager, Viper Strike
  • Precision Mortar Systems Overview, Mr. Greg Bischer, Test & Evaluation Lead, Precision Guided Mortar Munition (PGMM)

Joint Fires: Program Manager Perspective

  • Joint Fires Integration and Interoperability Team (JFIIT) - Executive Overview, Colonel David Brown, USAF, Integration & Interoperability Team, HQ USJFCOM

Precision Engagement - U.S. Navy Force Perspective

  • Precision Strike Capabilities for the Future Battlefields, Rear Admiral Timothy Heely, USN, PEO for Strike Weapons & Unmanned Aviation

Precision Engagement - U.S. Marine Corps Perspective

Precision Engagement

  • Precision Engagement, Mr. Randy Bigum, Deputy Executive Officer, Ammunition

Precise Effects Vice Precise Munitions

  • Precision Effects v. Precision Munitions, Brigadier General Philip D. Coker, USA, Director, Capabilities Developments, Futures Center, United States Army Training and Doctrine Command

Weapons Datalink Network (ACTD)

  • Air Armament Capability for the Future, Ms. Lynda Rutledge, Program Manager, NCW-Network Weapons ACTD

Joint Battlespace Management Command and Control (AFEI)

  • The Challenge of Achieving Joint Command and Control in a Network Centric Environment, Mr. Frank Caravella, Program Manager, Raytheon Network Centric Systems
  • Imagine and act, Mr. Greg Gardner, Vice President, Oracle, Homeland Security

DTIC Citations
AD1017655 (Vol 1)
AD1017657 (Vol 2)