Precision Strike Association Winter Roundtable
"The Way Ahead for QDR 06 & Precision Strike"
26 January 2005
Arlington, VA
New Administration & Congress - Implications for National Defense Policy & Strategies
- Peter Huessy, President, GeoStrategic Analysis
Keynote Address:
- Honorable Ryan Henry, Principal Deputy Under Seccretary of Defense for Policy (Presentation not approved for distribution.)
National Military Strategy of the United States of America
Joint Concept Development
- Colonel Ed Yarnell, USMC
USJFCOM's Experimentation Strategy
Systems and Mission Integration
- Dr. Glenn Lamartin, Director, Defense Systems, OUSD (Acquisition, Technology & Logistics)
The Evolving Strategic Environment - A View from K and Wall Streets
- Pierre Chao, Senior Fellow & Director of Defense Industrial Initiatives, Center for Strategic and International Studies