Precision Strike Technology Symposium (PSTS-07)

23 - 25 October 2007

Please note - Many of the presentations were classified or not approved for public release


Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Targeting Session

  • Testing Technology and C2 Structure for Third Party Targeting of Tactical Tomahawk, William Druce, PM for Tomahawk Advanced Concepts, JHU/APL
  • Automatic Targeting Solutions Over Heterogeneous Databases Using Intelligent Agents, Mr. Keith Davis, Integrity Applications Incorporated

Luncheon Address:

  • The Future In Long Range Strike, Dr. Rebecca Grant, President, IRIS Independent Research, Inc & Author of Return of the Bomber

C4ISR Session
Chair: Mr. Buck Buchanan, JHU/APL C2 Cross Enterprise Initiative, Director

  • Results of the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory's C2 Hypotheses Exercise, Mr. James L. Hillman, JHU/APL Group Supervisor, Advanced Concepts & Technology Analysis Group
  • Can Real-Time Operation a Services-Oriented Architecture (SOA) Environment, Mr. Charles G. Kille, Principal Systems Engineer, Raytheon Company


Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Luncheon Address:

  • Enabling Emerging Technologies and Technical Solutions For Protecting Our Nation, Captain Charles T. Chuck Nash, USN (Ret.), Fox News Military Pundit & Iran Policy Committee Member; President, Emerging Technologies Int'l

Effects Session

  • Naval S&T Strategic Plan - Defining the Strategic Direction for Tomorrow in Power Projection, Mr. Michael B. Deitchman, Deputy Chief of Naval Research, Naval Air Warfare & Weapons S&T Department, Office of Naval Research
  • The Way Ahead For Sensor Platforms, Colonel Paul Crawford, USA, Chief of Force Development for FCS, Army G-8
  • Net-Enabled Weapons - Another Node on the Network, Captain Mat Winter, USN, NAVAIR PMA-201