Precision Strike Annual Programs Review

15 - 16 April 2008

Springfield, VA

Tuesday, April 155, 2008

Army's Kill Chain Systems

  • LTC(P) Thomas Payne, USA, Product Manager, Joint Attack Munition Systems, Redstone Arsenal, Al
  • Mr. Max Allegretta, Deputy of the Future Combat Systems Division, Force Development Directorate, Army G-8
  • LTC Mark Pincoski, USA, Product Manager, Precision Fires Rocket & Missile Systems
  • Mr. William J. Gnacek, Program Manager, High Energy Laser Technology Demonstrator Program, U.S. Army Space & Missile Defense Command

Navy's & Marine Corps' Kill Chain Systems

Air Force's Kill Chain in OIF/OEF

International Perspective

  • Mr. Christoffer Drevstad, Vice President Int'l Sales, Taurus Systems GmbH
  • Mr. Keith Sanders, Deputy Director, Portfolio Systems Acquisition (Air Warfare), Office of the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition & Technology)
  • Mr. Theron Anders, Director, Information Integration Office, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency

Acquisition Reform-Impacts on Immediate Battlefield Needs

Horn of Africa Operations