Chemical, Biological, Radiological & Nuclear (CBRN)
Survivability Conference
"CBRN Survivability for Weapons Systems"
17 - 18 May 2011
Baltimore, MD
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Keynote Speaker:
- BG Jess Scarbrough, JPEO-CBD
CBRN Survivability Overview
- Ms. Helen Mearns, Joint CBRN Defense Program Analysis and Integration Office (PAIO)
Laboratory Infrastructure Support to CBRN Survivability
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction (CJCSI) 3175.01 Overview
- Mr. Mark Edwards, JRO-CBRND
Future CB Ensemble/Ground Soldier System Technology (FCBE-GSS) Demonstration Program
- Andra Kirsteins, FCBE-GSS Demonstration Technology Manager
Chemical and Biological Material Effects (CBME) Database
- Mr. Chris Hill, U.S. Army Research Laboratory Survivability/Lethality Analysis Directorate (ARL/SLAD)
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Keynote Speaker:
- Dr. John Kuspa, Office of the Deputy to the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Nuclear Matters (DATSD/NM)
Nuclear Survivability
- Mr. John Franco, DTRA
CBRN Test Infrastructure - Test Research Management Center
- Dr. Suzanne Strohl, Deputy Director, Strategic Planning, Office of the Secretary of Defense, Test Resource Management Center
Overview of JPEO-CBD Joint Program Managers (JPMS)
CBRN Survivability Information and Analysis
- Mr. Jerry Glasow, Chief, Information and Analysis Division, within the Chemical and Biological Directorate of the Joint Science and Technology Office for CB Defense
Current Efforts to Improve Chemical Challenge Estimates
- Dr. Jeffrey H. Grotte, Deputy Division Director of the Strategy, Forces, and Resources Division at the Institute for Defense Analyses
Breakout Sessions
- BRN Survivability Oversight Group (CSOG) Action Officers from the Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps