Precision Strike Technology Symposium (PSTS-14)
PSTS-14 will be conducted at the SECRET//NOFORN Classification Level
21 - 23 October 2014
Laurel, MD
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Luncheon Address: Resurrecting Peace Through Strength:
- Dr. Peter Huessy, President, Geostrategic Analysis
Precision Miniature Munitions: Effects and Applications
- Douglas Storsved, Principal Weapons Engineer, ATK Armament Systems
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
- Dr. Steve Woodall, President and CEO, Strategic Synthesis, Ltd. (LLC) (Presentation 1, Presentation 2)
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Keynote Address: United States Strategic Interests and Current TRIAD Requirements:
- Major General Garrett Harencak, USAF Assistant Chief of Staff, Strategic Deterrence & Nuclear Integration, HQ USAF