Integrated Precision Warfare Review (IPWR-21)

"Impact of New Administration on Precision Warfare"

6 - 7 April 2021



Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Opening Remarks

  • Jeff Braun, Capture Manager and Principal Engineer, Systems Planning & Analysis, Inc.

William J. Perry Award Presentation

  • Mr. Frank St. John, Chief Operating Officer of the Lockheed Martin Corporation


Wednesday, April 6, 2021

NDIA - The View of the Hill

  • MajGen Arnold Punaro, USMC (Ret.), Chief Executive Officer, The Punaro Group, LLC, Chairman, Board of Directors, National Defense Industrial Association

Panel: Policy Aspects of Weaponizing Space

  • Dr. Michael Gleason, National Security Senior Project Engineer, Center for Space Policy and Strategy, The Aerospace Corporation
  • Robin Dickey, Associate Member, Center for Space Policy and Strategy, The Aerospace Corporation