37th Annual National Logistics Forum

"Logistics: Key to Integrated Deterrence"

8 - 9 February 2023

Orlando, FL


Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Joint Staff

Defense Industrial Base
Moderator: MG Edward Dorman, USA (Ret), Highly Qualified Expert (HQE), Senior Mentor, Headquarters, Department of the Army

  • Dennis D'Angelo, SES, Executive Director, Air Force Sustainment Center, Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma
  • MG David Wilson, USA, Commanding General, U.S. Army Sustainment Command
  • Dr. Christine Michienzi, Chief Technology Officer, Assistant Secretary of Defense (ASD) for Industrial Base Policy and for the Undersecretary of Defense (USD) for Acquisition and Sustainment

Thursday, February 9, 2023


  • Maj Gen Stephen Purdy, Jr., USSF, Program Executive Officer for Assured Access to Space; Commander, Space Launch Delta 45; Director of Launch and Range Operations, Space Systems Command; Director of the Eastern Range, Patrick Space Force Base, Florida

Moderator: Col Earl Scott, USAF (Ret), Vice President, Business Development, Air Logistics, Palantir Technologies

  • Dr. Kevin Gaudette, Senior Vice President, Integrated Analytics and Support (Perduco), LinQuest Corporation
  • Bruce Kaplan, Fellow, Logistics Strategy and Integration, Logistics Management Institute (LMI)
  • Will Johnson Jr., MBA, Senior Vice President, Defense Group, Logistics and Mission Support Operation, Leidos

Moderator: Guy Beougher, Vice President, DoD/Federal Logistics, Supply Chain and Energy, Cypress International

  • LTG John Sullivan, USA, Deputy Commander, U.S. Transportation Command
  • Brad Bunn, SES, Vice Director, Defense Logistics Agency (DLA)