Armaments for Full Spectrum Warfare Conference & Exhibition

23 - 25 June 2003

Parsippany, NJ

Tuesday, June 24, 2003


Army Science & Technology - Accelerating the Pace of Transformation

Emerging Lessons From Operation Iraqi Freedom

Technology Solutions for a Full Spectrum Force: Agile Development

PEO Soldier: Armaments for Full Spectrum Warfare

Future Combat Systems

Reflections on Operation Anaconda

The FCS LSI Perspective on Army Transportation

Ammunition for Full Spectrum Warfare and Managing DoD's Ammunition Industrial Base


Wednesday, June 25, 2003

Counter-Insurgencies thru Smaller Scale Contingencies & Urban Operations

The Stryker Brigade and Small Scale Contingencies

Operation APOLLO: Canadian Observations on Operations in Afghanistan February - July 2002

A Co 4-31 Squad Ops and the War on Terror

Snipers & Observers Current Operations Looking Towards the Future

Small Arms and Shoulder Fired Munitions

Project Metropolis: USMC Stability And Security Operations (SASO) in the Urban Environment

UK IST & FIST programs

OFW Operational Concepts

Structure & Role of the New RDE Command (Prov) in Developing & Fielding of Advanced Armament Systems

Supplying Advanced Armament Systems

Armaments for Full Spectrum Warfare: Advanced Technology Programs and Opportunities for Lethality Enhancements

Armaments for Full Spectrum Warfare: Technology Enablers for the Future (Lethality Focus)

Armament Technology for the Future

Lethality on Today's Battlefield