19th Annual NDIA Security Symposium & Exhibition
17 - 19 June 2003
Reston, VA
Tuesday, June 17, 2003
Session I: The Challenge of Information Sharing and Interoperability
- OMB and Information Sharing, Mr. Michael Daniel
- JRIES - A Federal, State and Municipal Combating Terrorism Partnership, Lt. Col. Rolf Palmer
Session II: The Challenge of Infrastructure Security
- Infrastructure Security Challenges for the Defense Industrial Base, Capt Bob Magee
- Critical Infrastructure Protection Program, Mr. Randy R. Smith
Session III: The Challenge of Transportation and Border Security
- Securing the Supply Chain, Lt. Gen. Kenneth Wykle
- In-Transit Security Arms, Ammunition and Explosives, Mr. Earl Boyanton
- Transportation Security Administration: Maritime and Land Security Directorate, Mr. Nicholas P. Lakis
- Transportation Security: "Safeguarding the Shipment of America's Most Dangerous Cargoes against Terrorist Attack", Mr. Ed Badolato
- Dual Benefits from Applications of Innovative Transportation Security Technologies, Mr. Mike Dinning
Session IV: The Challenge of-Post 911 Emergency Preparedness & Response-Public and Private Cooperation
- The Challenge of Post-911 Emergency Preparedness, Ms. Suzanne Jenniches
- Verizon Contingency Planning for COOP, Mr. Earl B. Cohen
Wednesday, June 18, 2003
Session V: The Challenge of Understanding and MAnaging Public Response to Terrorism
- The Challenge of Understanding and Managing Public Response to Terrorism, Dr. Hugo B. Poza
Session VI: The Challenge of Meeting Human Resource Constraints and Security Privitization
- Contractor Security Support For Government Facilities, BG David Foley
- Protect The Force: Fighting the Base From the Ground Up, Brig. Gen. James Shamess
- Meeting Human Resource Constraints in Homeland Security and Defense, Dr. John Pournoor
Session VII: The Challenge of Science & Technology
- Combating Terrorism Technology Support, Dr. G. Dan Smith
- The Technical Challenges of Homeland Security, Mr. John R Wootton
- Enduring Homeland Security Solutions, Mr. Bob Desourdis
- Mission Critical Processing, Mr. Dan Skret
Session VIII: Technology Forum Focus Groups
Group I: Chemical/Biological/Explosive Detection Security
- Low Cost Toxic Chemical 7 Fire Detection, Dr. Steven Sunshine
- Integrated Detection of Hazardous Material Program, Mr. Jack Fulton
- CBR Infrastructure Protection, Mr. James Risser
- Contraband / Explosives Detection, Mr. G. Pasmanik
- Raman Chemical Imaging Provides Rapid BioThreat Detection, Mr. Steven Vanni
- Chem/Bio/Radiological Resistant and Decontamination Shelters, Mr. Brian Dearing
- Test and Evaluation of Cargo Explosive Detection Equipment, Mr. Albert Birks
Group II: Physical Security & Force Protection
- Homeland Security Applications of Risk Assessment, Mr. Cameron Miner
- Terrorist Protection Planning, Dr. Joseph Indusi
- Developments in the IntelliFIBER Fiber Optic Fence Sensor, Dr. Mel Maki, Jeremy Weese
- Recent Development in Portable Sensor, Mr. Andre Gagnon
- Tactical-scale Aerostat for Force Protection Applications, Mr. Dan Nickell
- Biometrics for Terrorist Watch List Applications, Mr. Mike Bone
- Science Fiction Security, Dr. Alan Lipton
- Stealth and Deception - Speed and Violence, Mr. Brian Sandford
Group III: Critical Infrastructure Protection/Cyber Security
- Common Sense Approach to Water Security, Col. Ron Torgerson
- Eagle - A Cargo Inspection System for Ports of Entry, Dr. R. A. Armistead
- Security Advantages of Centralized Fiber Networks, Mr. Daniel Harman
- Risk Management for Opaque Networks, Ms. De Ann Pope
- What Can Security-Critical Engineering learn from Safety-Critical Engineering?, Dr. Gerald Larocque
- Smart Surveillance: Technology, Security Protocols, Mr. Brooks McChesney
Thursday, June 19, 2003
Session IX: Legislation and Security Technologies
- Legislation and Security Technology: Legislative Trends and Effects: Technology Issues Post 9/11, Ms. Rebecca Dornbusch
- Government Applications of Biometric Technologies, Mr. James Puleo
- Biometrics - Standards Activities, Mr. Paul R. Collier
Session X: The Challenge of Force Protection
- U. S. Coat Guard Force Protection, CAPT. Mike Smith
- Product Manager, Physical Security Equipment, LTC Eugene Stockel
- Opportunities For Innovation & New Technologies, Mr. Leopold L. Targosz, Jr.
- Force Protection Technology, LTC Donald Wussler
- PM - Guardian Status, Dr. David Cullin