Defense Industrial Base - Critical Infrastructure Protection Conference (DIB-CIP)

7 - 9 April 2008

Miami, FL


Tuesday, April 8, 2008

DoD Keynote Address:

  • DoD Support to Preparedness & Response, Mr. Peter F. Verga, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense, Homeland Defense and Americas' Security Affairs

Cyber Security and Information Assurance

"The Business of Vulnerabilities - How Economics is Driving Cyber Threats to Infrastructure"

"Cyber Security Overview & Update.The State of U.S. Cyber Security"
Panel: Cyber Security; Industry and Government Best Practices

  • Mr. Rick Anderson, Deputy Director, Defense Industrial Base Cyber Security Task Force

Supply Chain/Response Management


Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Intelligence & Threat Warning; Opportunities For Public/Private Partnerships

Panel: Improving the Sharing and Reliability of Public and Private Threat and Hazard Information