Armament Systems Forum

"Ensuring Continued Superiority & Readiness Through Balanced Investments:
• Evolving Legacy System Capability
• Realizing Unconventional & Emerging Armaments"

20 - 22 April 2015

Baltimore, MD


Monday, April 20, 2015

Tutorial Sessions

  • 17357 - Manufacturing Readiness Assessments of Technology Development Projects - Mark Serben, U.S. Army RDECOM-ARDEC
  • Use of PRODAS 6 DoF with Trade Study Trajectory Module to Simulate Long Range Dispersion - Alan Hathaway, Arrow Tech
  • Cutting Down the Kick: Understanding and Managing Large Caliber Recoil - Dr. Eric Kathe, Benet Labs


Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Keynote Speaker:

  • Jose Gonzalez, Deputy Director, Land Warfare and Munitions, Strategic and Tactical Systems, OUSD ATL (US)

U.S. Air Force Keynote:

  • John Wilcox, Director, Munitions Directorate, Air Force Research Laboratory

Current and Future State of Surface Ship Weapons

NDIA Legislative Update

National Armaments Consortium (NAC) Support of Emerging Armaments Technology

  • Charles Zisette, Executive Director, NAC
  • Don Geiss, Jr., Director, DOTC

Lightweighting of Large Caliber Weapons - Present and Future (17342)

Constructing Common Fire Control Across Weapon Platforms (17345)

Deep Futures of Small Arms Study (17384)

Lethality Technologies - 2025 and Beyond

  • Michael Zoltoski, ARL Weapons and Materials Research Directorate, Lethality Division

Extended Area Protection & Survivability Gun Army Technology Objective Update (17346)

UWB Radiating Using Explosive Pulse Power from M4 Rifle (17331)

Electrothermal-Chemical Gun Systems Utilizing Novel Electric Solid Propellants (17385)

81mm Mortar Enhanced Warhead Development Process (17408)


Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Guns & Missiles


  • 17400 - Advanced Capability Extended Range Mortar (ACERM) - Luke Steelman, Naval Surface Warfare Center - Dahlgren Division
  • 17409 - Precision Guidance Kit (PGK) Program Update - Robert Hunter, Orbital ATK Armament Systems
  • 17403 - Single Increment Loading Process for Pressed Explosives - John Sequeira, U.S. Army, ARDEC
  • 17485 - The Development and Testing of the Improved Kinetic Energy Electronic Time (IKE-ET) Round - Geoffrey Bland, NSWC Dahlgren
  • 25mm PGU-47/U Ammunition - Scott Smith, NSWC Dahlgren

Direct and Indirect Fire Guns

  • 17390 - Integrating Dynamic System Simulation into the Design Process for an Aircraft Mounted Gun’s Recoil System - Doug Ramers, NSWC Dahlgren
  • 17341 - Novel Mortar Blast Attenuation - Anthony Cannone, U.S. Army Benet Laboratories
  • Recoil Elimination For High Velocity Guns - An Analysis of Alternatives - Dr. Eric Kathe, ARDEC-Benet Labs
  • Retaining Lethality Overmatch through Science & Technology - Joe Pelino, U.S. Army ARDEC

Fire Control

  • Paladin Secure Trajectory Enhancement (PaSTE) - Edward Gilsky, U.S. Army, ARDEC
  • 17416 - Exploring Next Generation Fire Control User Interfaces - David Musgrave, U.S. Army ARDEC
  • 17326 - Ammunition Data Link for M256 Cannon - David Smith, U.S. Army Benet Laboratories
  • 17344 - Effect of the Internet-Of-Things on Fire Control and Weapon Systems - Ralph Tillinghast, U.S. Army, ARDEC

Unconventional & Emerging Armaments

Non-Lethal Technology

  • JNLWP Next-Generation Non-Lethal Directed Energy Weapons Update - Dave Law, JNLWD
  • 17369 - Combining Multiple Methods of Less-Lethal Technologies to Overcome Potential Countermeasures - Howard Kent, Armor Development Group, LLC
  • 17375 - Single Munition Variable Velocity Non-Lethal Ballistic System for Fires Near the Muzzle to More Than 100 Meters - Dr. Jeffrey Widder, Battelle

Emerging Technologies

  • 17336 - NATO Weapons and Sensors Working Group Updates - Dr. Bart Halpern, U.S. Army ARDEC
  • 17383 - Potential Development Path Integrating Fire Control Radar for Advanced Combat Optic Displays - Howard Kent, Armor Development Group, LLC
  • 17417 - Additive Manufacturing Methods, Techniques, Procedures & Applications - Enabling Technologies for Military Applications - Ralph Tillinghast, U.S. Army, ARDEC

Missiles and Rockets

  • 17382 - Safety and Interim Fatigue Testing of a Domestic RPG Systems - Christopher Perhala, Battelle

Armament Systems

  • 17407 - Wireless and Modular Test Equipment Design for Weapon System Sustainment - Daniel Tagliente, U.S. Army, ARDEC
  • 17337 - Precision Guidance Kit (PGK) Power Electronics Module Gun Launch - Miroslav Tesla, U.S. Army, ARDEC
  • 17405 - HERO Primer - Jason Mishock, U.S. Army