20th Annual Expeditionary Warfare Conference
"Expeditionary Warfare: 20 Years Past, Present & Into the Future"
27 - 29 October 2015
Norfolk, VA
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Session Keynote:
- Brigadier General Julian Alford, USMC, Commanding General Marine Corps Warfighting Laboratory/Futures Directorate (MCWL/FD)
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
- Captain Mike McMillan, USN, Commander, Amphibious Squadron EIGHT
- PEO LCS Mine Countermeasures Update, Melissa Kirkendall, Program Manager, PMS 495
Panel Discussion 1 & 2
- Capt Henry Stevens, USN, PMS 385 (Strategic and Theater Lift)
- Capt Bill DeBow, PMW 760 (C4I Ship Integration)