25th Annual Precision Strike Technology Symposium (PSTS-15)

"Precision Strike Priorities to Meet Global Challenges"

27 - 29 October 2015

Laurel, MD


Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Keynote Address: Innovations & Technologies For Precision Engagement:

Congressional Perspectives: Keeping Our Asymmetric Edge

  • Representative Randy Forbes (VA-04), Chairman, U.S. House Committee on Armed Services Subcommittee on Seapower and Projection Forces (Video)
  • Representative Rob Wittman (VA-01), Member, U.S. House Committee on Armed Services (Video)

Use of Defense Consortia For Rapid Technology Development


Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Richard H. Johnson Technical Achievement Award Ceremony

  • Presentation of Seventh Richard H. Johnson Award for Technical Excellence in the Field of Precision Strike to
    • Dr. Wade Dyer, "In Demand" Consultant (Former Principal Fellow with Raytheon & Texas Instruments)
    • Paul Manz, Chief Scientist, U.S. Army, PEO Ammunition, Pacatinny Arsenal

    Remarks by Award Recipients


Thursday, October 29, 2015

Strategic ISR

  • Bong Gumahad - Deputy Director for ISR (Airborne & Space), Office of DASD Space, Strategic & Intelligence Systems, OUSD(AT&L)

Keynote: Army Warfighting Challenges With Specific Emphasis on Precision Strike Capabilities:

Luncheon Address: The Global Challenge of Preventing Nuclear War by Winning the Wars That Count