24th Annual Expeditionary Warfare Conference

"Enhancing Maritime Superiority"

22 – 24 October 2019

Annapolis, MD


Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Distributed Operations Forward

  • RDML Cedric Pringle, USN, Former Commander, Expeditionary Strike Group 3 Commandant, National War College

Congressional Panel

  • LtGen Jack Bergman, USMC (Ret), U.S. Representative, R-MI 1st District
  • Eric Labs, Senior Analyst for Naval Weapons and Forces, Congressional Budget Office
  • Ron O'Rourke, Naval Analyst, Congressional Research Service

Mine Warfare

  • CAPT Chris Merwin, USN, Director for Mine Warfare, Surface and Mine Warfighting Development Center (SMWDC)

Operational Requirements

  • Lisa Sanders, Director of Science and Technology for Special Operations Forces, Acquisition, Technology & Logistics, U.S. Special Operations Command
  • MG Kenneth Moore, USA, Special Assistant to the Commander, U.S. Africa Command
  • Jan Ithier, Director, NORAD & USNORTHCOM, Washington Operations
  • Lisa Sampson, Deputy Director J/J9, U.S. Southern Command

24th Annual Expeditionary Warfare Conference

"Enhancing Maritime Superiority"

22 – 24 October 2019

Annapolis, MD


Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Distributed Operations Forward

  • RDML Cedric Pringle, USN, Former Commander, Expeditionary Strike Group 3 Commandant, National War College

Congressional Panel

  • LtGen Jack Bergman, USMC (Ret), U.S. Representative, R-MI 1st District
  • Eric Labs, Senior Analyst for Naval Weapons and Forces, Congressional Budget Office
  • Ron O'Rourke, Naval Analyst, Congressional Research Service

Mine Warfare

  • CAPT Chris Merwin, USN, Director for Mine Warfare, Surface and Mine Warfighting Development Center (SMWDC)

Operational Requirements

  • Lisa Sanders, Director of Science and Technology for Special Operations Forces, Acquisition, Technology & Logistics, U.S. Special Operations Command
  • MG Kenneth Moore, USA, Special Assistant to the Commander, U.S. Africa Command
  • Jan Ithier, Director, NORAD & USNORTHCOM, Washington Operations
  • Lisa Sampson, Deputy Director J/J9, U.S. Southern Command