Tactical Wheeled Vehicles (TWV) Conference

"Contested Logistics: Sustaining the Formation"

26 - 28 February 2024

Charlotte, NC


Tuesday, February 26, 2024

PEO CS&CSS Welcome
ASA(ALT): Army Acquisition in a Contested Environment
  • Timothy Goddette, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army Sustainment, Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army
G8: Resourcing Challenges
International Sustainment
  • Dr. Myra Gray, SES, Deputy to the Commanding General, U.S Army Security Assistance Command
  • Tory Kessinger, Assistant Program Executive Officer, International, PEO&CSS, Program Executive Office, Combat Support & Combat Service Support
PEO Land Systems Overview
Moderator: Robert Cross, Deputy Program Executive Officer, PEO Land Systems
  • Jennifer Moore, Program Manager, Light Tactical Vehicles, PEO Land Systems
  • Lorrie Owens, Program Manager, Medium & Heavy Tactical Vehicles, PEO Land Systems
  • Scott Story, Contract Support to the Chief Technology Officer, PEO Land Systems
  • Col Aaron Angell, USMC, Director, Logistics Capabilities, Headquarters Marine Corps, HQMC

Wednesday, February 27, 2024

Chief of Transportation, U.S. Army Transportation Corps and Transportation School
  • BG Beth Behn, USA, Chief of Transportation & Commandant, U.S. Army Transportation School
PEO CS&CSS Introduction of Session 3 Vision and Intent
Project Lead Integration and Mobile Electric Power
PM Transportation Systems
  • Vince Jakubowski, Deputy Project Manager, Transportation Systems
  • Alvin Bing, III, Product Lead, Common Tactical Truck
  • Ray Folden, Product Manager, Heavy Tactical Vehicles
  • Lisa Orejel, Deputy Product Manager, Multi-Mission Protected Vehicle Systems
PM Force Projection
  • Kyle Bruner, Project Manager, Force Projection
  • LTC Michael White, USA, Product Manager, Petroleum and Water Systems