Tactical Wheeled Vehicles (TWV) Conference

2 - 3 February 2009

Monterey, CA


DTIC Citations

Monday, February 2, 2009

Keynote Speaker:

Session 1

  • Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff, Army G-4, LTG Stevenson (Army G-4) - Logistics

Funding Outlook: "Concerns in a Constrained Environment (Equipping the Force)"

  • Lieutenant General Stephen M. Speakes, USA, Deputy Chief of Staff, G-8
    TWV Update, LTGen George Flynn, USMC (invited)

Session 2

TARDEC Panel: "Beyond 2025 - Insights and Possibilities for Future Technology Applications"
Moderator: Dr. Grace Bochenek, Director, Tank-Automotive Research, Development and Engineering Center

  • Mr. John Miller, Director, Army Research Laboratory
  • Mr. Gary Blohm, Director, Communications-Electronics Research, Development, and Engineering Center

Industry Panel
Moderator: Mr. Chris Chambers, BAE Systems


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Session 3
Chairman: Mr. Tom Bagwell, (SES), Deputy Program Executive Officer, Combat Support & Combat Service Support (DPEO CS&CSS), U.S. Army

  • Ms. Janet Bean, (SES), Executive Director, TACOM Life Cycle Management Command's Integrated Logistics Support Center (ILSC), Tactical Wheeled Vehicle Reset

PM Breakout Sessions

  • LTV
    Sam Homsy, USA; Product Manger, Light Tactical Vehicle
  • MTV
    LTC Al Grein, Product Manager, Medium Tactical Vehicles
  • HTV
    LTC Lewis Johnson, USA; Product Manager, Heavy Tactical Vehicles
    1. NDIA Video 2009 .wmv (Video)

DTIC Citations