Global Maritime Information Sharing Symposium

"Charting the Course for MDA: Partnering with Industry"

14 - 16 September 2010

Baltimore, MD

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

CANUS Interagency Maritime Domain Awareness Forum

Working to Make Tanker Terminals Safer

Port Security Perspective

  • Mr. Bud Frank, Director of Security, Maryland Port Administration

"International Maritime Safety & Security Exchange: A Promising Business Model for Global Maritime Safety & Security",

MDA Town Hall Meeting


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Breakfast Speaker: Technologies for Port Security

Ocean Law & Policy

Science & Technology

  • LCDR Alejandro Ameneiro, Spanish Foreign Liaison Officer, Spanish Navy, "Multi-National, Inter-Agency Information Sharing in the Extended Maritime Environment (MISA-EM)"
  • Mr. George "Guy" Thomas, USCG, Science &Technology Advisor, "Use of Commercial Satellites for Increased MDA: TEXAS IV, C-Sigma"
  • Dr. John Mittleman, Naval Research Laboratory, "State of the Art on Maritime Systems"

Regional & Global Collaborative MDA

A Process for Change: Improving Information Sharing From the Port Up

  • Ms. Wendy Walsh, Naval PostGraduate School, "Maritime Information Sharing Task Force Update"
  • CPT Mike Goldsmith, Norfolk Police Department, "Informal Information Sharing in the Maritime Domain - A Norfolk Perspective"
  • Ms. Candice Wright, Long Beach Police Department, "Promoting Collaboration & Information Sharing Between Local Maritime Stakeholders"
  • Mr. John Veentjer, Marine Exchange of Puget Sound, "The Role of Maritime Exchanges in Information Sharing - Challenges & Best Practices"

Gala Address


Thursday, September 16, 2010

Breakfast Speaker: Maritime Security Sector Reform

Report of Working Group Finding by Group Facilitations