Naval Energy Forum

"Seapower Repowered: Energy as a Force Multiplier & Strategic Resource"

12 - 13 October 2010

Washington, DC


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Panel: Building a Foundation For the Green Fleet

  • RADM Thomas J. Eccles, Chief Engineer and Deputy Commander for Naval Systems Engineering, Naval Sea Systems Command
  • RDML David Boone, Director, Shore Readiness Division (N46), Office of the Chief of Naval Operations and Vice Commander, Navy Installations Command
  • RDML Randolph L. Mahr, Commander, Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division and Assistant Commander for Research and Engineering, Naval Air Systems Command

Defense Energy Policy

Panel: Enabling an Energy Transformation Through Drop-In Alternative Fuels

  • Dr. Srini Mirmira, Associate Director for Commercialization, Advanced Research Projects Agency - Energy
  • Dr. Jim Rekoske, Vice President and General Manager for Renewable Energy and Chemicals, Honeywell UOP
  • Dr. Jeffrey Steiner, National Program Leader for Biomass Production Systems, USDA Agricultural Research Service
  • Mr. Timothy Vinopal, Chief Engineer for the Environment, Boeing Defense Space and Security


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Presentation of the Navy Energy Vision

  • RADM Philip Cullom, Director, Energy and Environmental Readiness Division (OPNAV N45), Director, Navy Task Force Energy

Panel: The Way Ahead For Reducing Lifecycle Energy Costs

Panel: Mission Assurance, Renewables and the Smart Grid