14th Annual Science & Engineering Technology Conference

"Evolving The Defense S&T Program to Support Sustaining U.S. Global Leadership: Priorities for 21st Century Defense"

24 - 26 April 2013

National Harbor, MD

Attendee Roster

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Keynote Address: Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense, Research & Engineering:

  • Mr. Alan R. Shaffer, Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense, Research & Engineering, OASD(R&E)


FY 2014 President's Budget Request and Opportunities For Collaboration Session

FY 2014 President's Budget Request for DoD S&T Program

Rapid Fielding: A Path for Emerging Concept and Capability Prototyping

  • Mr. Earl Wyatt, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense, Rapid Fielding, OASD(R&E)

The DoD T&E/S&T Program

DoD Basic Research Program

NSF Basic Research Program

Poster Papers: Author Presentations

  • Dr. Raj K. Aggarwal, Managing Director, Advanced Research & Technology, College of Engineering, Iowa State University

The DARPA S&T Program

The IARPA S&T Program


Air Force Science & Technology Program Session

Global Horizons

Air Force Capability Requirements and S&T Overview

  • Dr. David Walker, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Science, Technology, & Engineering, OSAF/AQ

AFOSR/Cyber and Information Technology

  • Dr. Bob Bonneau, Department Chair, AFOSR Information, Decision, and Complex Networks Department, AFOSR

Air Force Near and Mid-Term Cyber Technology

  • Capt Bob Birrer, USAF, PhD, Science and Technology Division, Science and Technology Directorate, OSAF/AQRT


Thursday, April 25, 2013

Army Science & Technology Program Session

Capability Needs: Near and Far

Army S&T Program Overview

  • Ms. Nancy Harned, Executive Director, Strategic Plans and Program Planning, ODASA(R&T)

Army S&T Investment Portfolios

Army Power & Energy S&T


Naval Science & Technology Program Session

Naval S&T: Delivering Disruptive Technologies with Affordable Asymmetric Advantages

The Foundations of Concept Based Experimentation

OPNAV Perspective on Science and Engineering


Panel Discussion

Basic and Applied Research Opportunities and Advances

Perspective on Transition

Naval Innovation in Challenging Times


Friday, April 26, 2013

The COCOM Perspective and Additional Topics of High Interest


Challenges of Anti-Access/Area Denial

Connecting the R&E Community: Defense Technical Information Center

AM IR&D Marketplace Presentation