Ground Robotics Capabilities Conference & Exhibition
"Into the Hands of the Warfighter"
3 - 6 March 2008
San Antonio, TX
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Opening Remarks:
- Mr. David Ahern, Director, Portfolio Systems Acquisition, Acquisition, Technology and Logistics, OUSD
Keynote Speaker:
- GEN Paul Kern, USA (Ret)
OSD Ground Robotics Update
- Mrs. Ellen Purdy, Director, Joint Ground Robotics Enterprise, Acquisition, Technology and Logistics, OUSD
Ground Robotics and the Joint Warfighter
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Keynote Speaker:
- Mr. Rodney Brooks, iRobot
Keynote Panel: International
- Mr. Nicholas S.J. Karvonides, Institute for Defense Analyses (IDA),Alexandria, VA
- Mr. Henrik I. Christensen, KUKA Chair of Robotics, Georgia Institute of Technology
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Keynote Speaker:
- Mr. Richard Rumpf, Former Acting Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Research, Engineering and Systems; Rumpf Associates International
- Working group B - Small Business Issues
- Working group C - Technology "Longpoles"
- Working group D - Ground Robotics In Homeland Defense
- Working group F - Combat Support/Combat Service Support Issues
- Working group G - Operational Issues/Challenges
- Working group H - Interoperability