5th Simulation-Based Acquisition/Advanced Systems
Engineering Environment Conference

24 - 27 June 2002

DTIC Citations

Tuesday, June 25, 2002

Modeling and Simulation, Technology, and Transformation

  • Dr. Ron Sega, OSD, Director, Defense Research and Engineering

DoD Interoperability and Advanced Engineering Environments

SBA Yesterday & Today: Current View of SBA in Advanced Systems Engineering and System-of-Systems Environment

  • Dr. Judith Dahmann, MITRE Corporation and Scientific Adviser to Director of Interoperability, OSD(AT&L)<

Modeling and Simulation in Defense Systems Acquisition: Pathways to Success

Agile Design and Development For Future Space Systems

  • Chris Schade, Northrup Grumman and Steve Wall,National Reconnaissance Office, Advanced Systems & Technology

Requirements Process New Challenges for Defense Analysis

  • Vince Roske, Deputy Director, J8, (Wargaming, Simulation, & Analysis), The Joint Staff

Integrated Digital Environment

JSF Digital Product Data

Data Engineering to Support SBA

  • Roy Scrudder, Applied Research Laboratories, The University of Texas at Austin

Open Systems: State of the Practice


Wednesday, June 26, 2002

The Institutionalization of Modeling & Simulation or Making M&S All It Can Be

Industry Perspective on Modeling & Simulation Tools/Issues

Joint Virtual Battlespace

A Joint Staff Perspective

Ballistic Missile Defense System Modeling & Simulation

Workshop on Simulation to Support C4ISR Acquisition & Transformation

Joint Distributed Engineering Plant (JDEP)


Thursday, June 27, 2002

Pegasus: e-Design and Realization System

  • Bart O. Nnaji, Alcoa Foundation Professor in Manufacturing Engineering & Director of NSF I/UCRC, University of Pittsburgh

NDIA/SBA: NSF I/UCRC for Virtual Proving Ground Simulation

  • L.D. Chen, National Advanced Driving Simulator, The University of Iowa

Advanced Infotronics Technologies for Smart Life Cycle Support, A Closed-Loop Acquisition

  • Jay Lee, Intelligent Maintenance Systems (IMS)

Component-based Architecture and Modeling and Simulation

DTIC Citations