USSOCOM Chemical, Biological, Radiological & Nuclear (CBRN)
Conference & Exhibition

"Responding to the Terrorist CBRN Threat: "Preparation or Panic" "

6 - 8 December 2005

Tampa, FL

DTIC Citations

Tuesday, December 6, 2005

Welcome Remarks:

Joint Program Executive Office

Joint Scienc & Technology

Doing Business with USSOCOM

Reducing the Threat of Nuclear and Radiological Terrorism

Avon M53 Protective Mask for USSOCOM


Wednesday, December 7, 2005

Chemical Homeland Security Suite (C-HoSS)

Radiological Emergency Response

Use of Recombinant Butyrylcholinesterase in Responding to Chemical Weapon Attack

Reliable Discrimination of High Explosive/Chem/Bio/Artillery Susing Acoustic IGS

Real-Time First Bite Detection

Polymer Technology for the Lock-Down/Removal of Radiological Contamination

Modeling Tool for Prediction and Mitigation of CBRNE Events

Terrorist Motivations to Employ CBRN Weapons

USAF Counter-Biological Warfare Effort


Thursday, December 8, 2005

Keynote Presentation, Question & Answer Session:

  • MG John Doesburg, USA (Ret), Center for Homeland Security and Counterprofliferation

Responding to Multiple Ebola Attacks: The Need for Coordinated Preparedness

Capture, Contain, Treat and Dispose of Decontamination Runoff on Site

National Guard CBRN Response: Achieving Unity of Effort Between Local/State/Federal

CBRN Detectors for Early Warning of CBRN Events in Transit Environments

Using smart Threads to Interdict Radioactive Materials

DTIC Citations