Pacific Operational Science & Technology Conference
14 - 17 July 2008
Honolulu, HI
Monday, July 14, 2008
"International and Long-Term Perspectives"
Commander's Priorities & Challenges
Commander Overview
- Lt Gen Douglas Fraser, USAF, Deputy Commander, USPACOM
Issues Around the Asia-Pacific Region
- Singapore: Mr. Kong Pheng, SOH, Chief Executive, Defence Science and Technology Agency
- Australia: Dr. D. Nandagopal, Deputy Chief Defence Scientist for Policy and Programs, Defence Science and Technology Organisation
- Japan: Mr. Yasuhisa Ishizuka, Director of Plans, Technical Research and Development Institute
- Technical Research and Development Institute Video .wmv (Video)
- Korea: Dr. C. K. Park, President, Agency for Defense Development
- India: Dr W Selvamurthy, Distinguished Scientist and Chief Controller (R&D), Defence Research and Development Organisation
- CFF 02 Feb 05 .mpg (Video)
- CFF 03 Feb 05 .mpg (Video)
- CFF 04 Feb 05 .mpg (Video)
- CFF 05 Feb 05 .mpg (Video)
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Vision and Future Opportunities
- The Honorable Dr. Jacques Gansler, former Under Secretary of Defense, Acquisition, Technology & Logistics, Office of the Secretary of Defense
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
"Issues and Challenges in the Region"
Homeland Security Perspective
- The Honorable Jay M. Cohen, Under Secretary for Science and Technology, Department of Homeland Security
HQ USPACOM Senior Leader Perspectives
- USPACOM J3, RADM Charles Martoglio, USN, USPACOM Director of Operations
Listen Up! Warfighter's Perspective
- CMSgt James Roy, USAF, PACOM Senior Enlisted Leader
USPACOM Service Components & Sub-Unified Command Perspectives
- PACAF: Lt Gen Loyd Utterback, USAF, Commander, 13th Air Force
- USPACFLT: RDML Thomas Copeman, USN, Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations, Training and Readiness, U.S. Pacific Fleet
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
"Solutions to PACOM Challenges"
Office of the Secretary of Defense
- Dr. Charles Perkins, Principal Assistant Deputy Under Secretary of? Defense, Advanced Systems and Concepts
- Mr. Donald Loren, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense, Homeland Security Integration
U.S. Joint Forces Command Perspective
- LTG John Wood, USA, Deputy Commander, U.S. Joint Forces Command, "The Art and Science of Joint Warfighting"
Commanding Officers' Perspectives - Services S&T
- MG Fred Robinson, USA, Commanding General, U.S. Army Research, Development and Engineering Command (RDECOM)
- RADM William Landay, USN, Chief of Naval Research
- Maj Gen Curtis Bedke, USAF, Commander, Air Force Research Laboratory
Keynote Speaker:
- Dr. Tony Tether, Director, DARPA
Other Agency Perspectives
- Dr. Dana Christensen, Associate Lab Director, Energy & Engineering Sciences, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- Dr. Peter Nanos, Associate Director of Research Defense Threat Reduction Agency
- COL Kathleen Hithe, USAF, Deputy Director, Coalition Warfare Program, OUSD (AT&L)/International Cooperation
Emerging Technologies
Moderator: Dr. Richard Van Atta, Institute for Defense Analyses
- Ms. Ellen Purdy, Director, Joint Ground Robotics Enterprise, Office of the Secretary of Defense
- Dr. Leo Volfson, Chief Executive Officer, Torrey Pines Logic
- Yuma Mirage .avi (Video)