Chemical, Biological, Radiological & Nuclear (CBRN)
Defense Conference & Exhibition

"Full Spectrum CBRN Operations"

23 - 25 June 2009

Fort Leonard Wood, MO

Revised Agenda

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Session I: Global Security and Homeland Defense
Chief of Chemical Welcome

Fort Leonard Wood Welcome and Manscen Overview

Keynote Address:

  • Mr. Tim Morgan, Chief of Staff, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Global Strategic Affairs


  • Mr. Peter Bechtel, Director, U.S. Army Nuclear and Combating WMD Agency
  • MG Daniel Long, Commanding General, JTF Civil Support, USNORTHCOM
    • Sudden Response .wmv (Video)
  • MAJ Gen Donald Fick, Director of Force Structure, Resources and Assessment (J8), National Guard Bureau
  • BG Jess Scarbrough, Joint Program Executive Officer for Chemical and Biological Defense
  • Mr. Vince Nardy, Chairman, CBD Acquisition Initiatives Forum
  • Mr. Ron Evans, Director, CBRN Information Analysis Center


Thursday, June 25, 2009

Session II: CBRN Defense and Warfighter Readiness
Keynote Address:

  • Mr. Jean Reed, Deputy Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Chemical and Biological Defense/Chemical Demilitarization


  • Ms. Dee Dodson Morris, Chief of Staff, Joint Requirements Office for Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Defense
  • Dr. Darrel Galloway, Director, Chemical and Biological Technologies and Joint Science & Technology Office for Chemical and Biological Defense, DTRA
  • Mr. James Cooke, Joint Chemical and Biological Defense Test & Evaluation Executive

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