14th Annual Expeditionary Warfare Conference
"Expeditionary Warfare in a Complex Joint Operating Evironment"
16 - 19 November 2009
Panama City, FL
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Panel - The QDR and the Potential Impact on the Services
- Mr. Jim Strock, Director, Seabasing Integration Division, Combat Development and Integration, HQMC
- Captain Michael Megan, USCG, OPNAV N512
Panel - EXWAR Challenges/Way Ahead in the Future JOE
- Rear Admiral Robert O. Wray, USN, Deputy Commander, Military Sealift Command
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Guest Speaker:
- Vice Admiral Kevin McCoy, USN, Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command
Panel - Achieving the Right Capability Balance
- Rear Admiral Chris Paul, USN, Deputy Commander, Navy Expeditionary Combat Command
- Brigadier General Walter L. Miller, Jr., USMC, Director, Joint Capabilities Assessment & Integration Directorate, MCCDC
- Captain Bruce Baffer, USCG, Program Manager, Surface Programs, HDQTRS USCG
Panel - Industry - Small Business
- Mr. Mike Melo, President & CEO, ITA International Corporation
- Mr. Tony Gioffredi, President, Fairbanks Morse Engine
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Keynote Speaker:
- Mr. Brian Detter, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy (RDA), Expeditionary Warfare
Panel - Balancing Resources in Support of Expeditionary Warfare in Complex Joint Operating Environments
Moderator: Rear Admiral Kevin Scott, USN, Deputy Director for Expeditionary Warfare, OPNAV N85B
- Captain Bob Wilson, USN, OPNAV N851 Special Warfare
- Captain Mark Rios, USN, N852 Mine Warfare
- Captain Ed Barfield, USN, OPNAV N853 Amphibious Warfare
- Captain Barry Coceano, USN, OPNAV N857 Naval Expeditionary Combat Command/Non-Lethal Weapons & Crew
- Mr. Vincent Goulding, Director, Experiment Division, MCWL