Advanced Research Projects Agency - Energy (ARPA-E)/DoD Workshop
12 September 2011
Arlington, VA
- Dr. Arun Majumdar, Director, Advanced Research Projects Agency - Energy
Energy Storage Presentation
- Dr. Mark Johnson, ARPA-E Program Director
- Dr. David Danielson, Program Director, ARPA-E (Presented by Dr. Mark Johnson)
U. S. Navy Presentation
- Mr. Tom Hicks, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Energy
Fuels Presentation
- Dr. Eric Toone and Dr. Jonathan Burbaum, ARPA-E Program Directors
Fuels Discussion
- Dr. John Parmentola, Senior Vice President, General Atomics
Buildings and Grid Technology Presentation
- Dr. Ravi Prasher, ARPA-E Program Director
- Dr. Rajeev Ram, ARPA-E Program Director
PM Buildings and Grid Technology Discussion
- Ms. Cathy Snyder, Vice President, Lockheed Martin