Munitions Executive Summit
"Reshaping the Munitions Base"
11 - 13 February 2003
Wednesday, February 12, 2003
Munitions Executive Summit
- MG Wade H. McManus, Jr., CG, Joint Munitions Command
AMC's Role in Transforming The Industrial Base
- LTG Richard Hack, US Army Materiel Command
OSD Perspective
- George W. Ullrich, Director, Weapons Systems, Office of the Secretary of Defense ODUSD(S&T)
Current Force
- John Hedderich, Close Combat Armaments Center, TACOM-ARDEC
Current Force
- William J. Sanville, PM-MAS
Direct Fire Ammunition Industry View
- Dr. Dean Bartles, General Dynamics Ordnance & Tactical Systems
Direct Fire Panel
- Dr. James Condon, ATK Tactical Systems Company
The View From Wall Street: What Investors Think of the Defense Sector
- Pierre Chao, Global Aerospace/Defense Group
Industrial Panel: Reshaping the Munitions Base
- Robert R. Harris, Chair, Armtec Defense Products
The Good, The Bad, and Cooperation: The Organic Base
- BG William R. Holmes, Day & Zimmerman
Reshaping the Munitions Base: A View From Industry
- Ray Bronson, Alliant Techsystems
Munitions Industrial Base Task Force Perspective on Ammunition Industrial Base
- Michael S. Wilson, General Dynamics Ordnance & Tactical Systems
PEO Ammunition
- BG Paul S. Izzo, USA, PEO Ammunitions
Innovations in Army Ammunition Support
- MG Mitchell Stevenson, Commanding General, US Army Ordnance Center and Schools
TF RakkasanThe Battle of Shah-I-Kot Valley, 2 - 13 March 2002
- COL Francis J. Wiercinski, USA J3 Directorate, Army Joint Staff
Future Combat Systems, Lead Systems Integrator
- Dr. John Gully, LSI, SAIC/Boeing
Thursday, February 13, 2003
ASA(ALT) Perspective Reshaping the Munitions Base
- The Honorable Claude M. Bolton, Jr., Assistant Secretary of the Army (Acquisition, Logistics and Technology) and Army Acquisition Executive
SUMMIT V: Arming the Warfighters by "Transforming the Sword"
- Dr. Steve Butler, Air Armament Center, Eglin Air Force Base
Advanced Planning Briefing to Industry
- Dennis Brogan and Al Beuster, Chairs
Program Overview
- Patrick A. Serao, Deputy Project Manager for Combat Ammunition Systems
Precise Indirect Fires
- Bart Barcellos, Raytheon
Indirect Fire Panel
- Dr. James Condon, Alliant Tactical Systems Company
Naval Surface Fire Support (NSFS) Overview Brief to NDIA Indirect Fire Panel
- Jim Ripley, Naval Surface Fire Support, PMS 529
Life-Cycle Management Multiplier Effects