International Test & Evaluation Summit & Exhibition

24 - 27 February 2003

Tuesday, March 25, 2003

T&E Transformation

How T&E reduces defense programs risks: a French perspective

Model for Knowledge-Based Acquisition Process

The Mind of OPTEVFOR on T&E and Program Risk

Understanding And Managing Chaotic T and E Results


Wednesday, March 26, 2003

Changing Roles and Reducing Risks in Testing, The BattleSpace of the Future

The Army T&E Perspective

Crossfire Panel

System Engineering & Test and Evaluation

Using M&S To Predict, Describe, Design and Execute Weapons Performance

Technologies for Efficient Certification (TEC)

Role of Modeling and Simulation in Reducing Risk in Test & Evaluation

Testing and Evaluation of Emerging Systems in Nontraditional Warfare

A Methodology for Network Centric Electronic Attack Evaluation


Thursday, March 27, 2003

Combined DT/OT, Good Idea for Oxymoron?

Impact of Recent Study on Best Commercial T&E Practices

Developmental Testing: Strengthending DT to Minimize Risk Later

Using the Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) Approach to Design, Test, and Evaluate to Reduce Program Risk

Center for National Response Operational Test and Evaluation Program

Training System as Transformation Test Bed