Precision Strike Technology Symposium (PSTS)

"Accelerating Precision Strike Technology for Stability Operations and Protection of Coalition Forces"

18 - 20 October 2005

Laurel, MD

DTIC Citations

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Accelerating Precision Strike Technology for Stability Operations and Protection of Coalition Forces

Use of Imageaided Navigation for UAV Navigation and Target Geolocation in Urban and GPSdenied Environments

Sensor Data Exploitation

  • Mr. David Toms, Business Development Director, Mercury Computer Systems' Defense Technologies Group

Overview of 3rd Party Targeting Demonstration Using the APL Precision Target Locator Demonstrator

Decision Support for Time Critical Strike: Land Based Target Area Of Uncertainty (LBTAOU) Prototype

The Significance of the 2005 Base Realignment and Closure Outcomes -- Now and in the Future

Precision Engagement -- Future Operations: An Industry Perspective

Agile Acquisition Processes for Joint Capabilities

  • Mr. Mike Knollmann, ADUSD (Joint & Coalition Operations Support), Office of Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Advanced Systems & Concepts)

High Speed / Hypersonic S&T & Networked Weapons

  • Dr. Michael S. Richman, Associate Director, Aerospace Technology, Office of the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (S&T)

Penetrating Effector Systems from EADS/TDW

International Armaments Cooperation

  • Col James Dendis, USAF, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics, Directorate of International Cooperation

Just-in-time Strike Augmentation (JITSA) - Major Conflict through Stability and Protection Operations

Accelerating Networked Sensors & Fires

Realizing the Combat Power of Network Centric Operations

Change in View Point: Application of the Dual Recoil System to Light Weight Towed Artillery

746 Test Squadron: A New Test Capability SAASM Integrated System Evaluator and Reporter (SAASMISER)

Precision and Non-Lethal Weapons (NLW)

BLU122 Warhead Program

JSF Pneumatic S&RE and Beyond

Keynote Address:

  • Honorable Dale E. Klein, Department of Defense: Assistant to the Secretary of Defense, Nuclear and Chemical and Biological Defense Programs (ATSD(NCB))

Core Address:

  • Countering the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction, Dr. Jim Tegnelia, Director, Defense Threat Reduction Agency

Shows of Actions -- Training the Afghan National Army

DTIC Citations
AD1017659 (Conference Paper)