22st Annual National Test & Evaluation Conference

6 - 9 March 2006

Jacksonville, FL

Final Attendee Roster

Monday, March 6, 2006


  • How to Improve the Effectiveness, Efficiency, and Integration of Test & Evaluation (T&E) and
    Modeling and Simulation (M&S), Dr. Mark J. Kiemele, Air Academy Associates
  • Putting the Missions and Means Framework (MMF) to Work to Drive Analysis - Getting to the "So What" by Asking the Right Questions about the Mission and Generating Complete and Relevant Answers, LTC Britt Bray, USA(Ret), Dynamics Research Corporation, Inc. and Mr. Bill Yeakel, President, ORSA Corporation


Tuesday, March 7, 2006

Modeling, Simulation and Testing: Collision Course or Happy Marriage?

Panel: Non-Technical Obstacles to Technical Obstacles to Effective M&S Connectivity in Effective M&S Connectivity in Support of T&E
Chair: Mr. John Illgen, Northrop Grumman Simulation Technologies

Panel: DT&E's Perspectives - "Making M&S and T&E Better Partners":
Chair: Mr. Chris DiPetto, Special Assistant, Systems Engineering, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics Technologies
Panelist (Government):

Panelist (Industry):
  • Mr. Steven E. Cameron, Senior Manager, Modeling & Simulation Infrastructure, Boeing Analysis, Modeling, Simulation & Experimentation
  • Mr. James A. Hazlett, Director, Mission Profiling, Mission Innovation, Raytheon Integrated Defense Systems

An LFT&E Perspective on Making M&S and T&E Better Partners

Modeling the FCS Brigade Combat Team in a Stability and Reconstruction Operations Mission - Implications for T&E Planning

T&E Transformation - "We Don't Need a More Formal Invitation"


Wednesday, March 8, 2006

DMSO Panel

  • Challenges For M&S in Army Test and Evaluation, Mr. Roe Mirabelle, Chief, Technical Support Division (TSD), Modeling & Simulation

Military Services Perspectives

  • COMOPTEVFOR Perspectives on Modeling & Simulation in Operational Test & Evaluation, RADM Bill McCarthy, USN, COMOPTEVFOR
  • The Air Force's Perspective, Mr. Jack Manclark, AF/Test & Evaluation Directorate
  • M&S Support to FCS

M&S Studies in the Context of the T&E and Acquisition

  • Diagnosis of the Problem: What Prior Studies Have to Say, Dr. James E. Coolahan, Program Manager and Modeling and Simulation Group Supervisor, National Security Analysis Department
  • "Open Air Testing vs. Modeling and Simulation: At last Peaceful Coexistence?", RADM Charles "Bert" Johnston, USN (Ret), Vice President & General Manager, Wyle Laboratories

Live-Virtual-Constructive Distributed Environments in Support of Test and Evaluation

Open Technology Development & Testing

Modeling and Simulation of System of Systems The History of the LPD 17 PRA Testbed


Thursday, March 9, 2006

Using the Missions and Means Framework to Generate Cost-Effective Live-Fire Test and Evaluation Strategies

  • Dr. Martha K. Nelson, Franklin & Marshall College, Department of Business, Organizations, and Society and Mr. Dennis C. Bely, US Army Research Laboratory, Survivability/Lethality, Analysis Directorate

Modeling and Simulation to Advance Test and Evaluation

Track 1:
T&E / M&S Architecture

  • Test and Training Enabling Architecture (TENA) Offers Range Interoperability and Resource Reuse Solutions for Test and Training Ranges, Mr. Gene Hudgins, TENA User Support Lead
  • A Case Study of T&E Data Supporting A Simulation, Mr. Vincent M. Ortiz, AVW Technologies
Policy Proposals
  • 27 Steps to Success: The DoD Acquisition M&S Master Plan, Mr. Fred Myers, OUSD (AT&L) DS/SE, Chair, Acquisition M&S Working Group
  • "No More Second Opinions: Organizing DoD M&S Within the Acquisition Cycle", Mr. James F. O'Bryon, The O'Bryon Group
  • Optimizing Cost & Time Effectiveness of Test & Evaluation Using Knowledge-Based Simulations, Dr. Keith S. Bradley, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Track 2:
(VVA) "V,V&A" Issues to Make T&E/M&S Work Effectively

  • LPD 17 PRA Testbed VV&A Database: A Disciplined Approach for VV&A, Mr. Vincent M. Ortiz, AVW Technologies
Examples of Attempts to Get Mutual Support Between T&E and M&S
  • Dual Thrust Modified Smokey Sam for Low Cost Testing and Simulation, Mr. William R. Taylor, Tech Advisor for EOCM, AFRL/SNJW
  • Integration of Transport Modeling with Test and Evaluation in CBR Building Protection Programs, Mr. James Risser, Battelle

M&S Studies in the Context of the T&E and Acquisition:

  • CAW use of M&S in Support of Maritime HLD/HLS/ATFP Test and Training Exercises, Mr. Arman Tchoubineh, NAWC WD, Pt Mugu, CA
  • Commericial Air Services: Live Test Assets for Electronic Warfare, Mr. Stan Ulkoski, PMA-207D2 Aircraft Operation Manager, J.F. Taylor, Inc., NAVAIR Support Contractor