15th Annual Expeditionary Warfare Conference
"Expeditionary Operations - What's Next?"
4 - 7 October 2010
Panama City, FL
Monday, October 4, 2010
The Resource Sponsor Perspective: Current and Future Support for EW MCM
- Captain Mark Rios, USN, Branch Head, N852 Mine Warfare
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Keynote Speakers:
- Major General Timothy C. Hanifen, USMC, Director, Expeditionary Warfare Division, OPNAV N85
- The Honorable Robert O. Work, Under Secretary of the Navy, Office of the Secretary of the Navy
Operations and Training - What Works, What Doesn't, What Do We Need?
- Brigadier General Lawrence D. Nicholson, USMC, Senior Military Assistant to Deputy Secretary of Defense
- Brigadier General John Bullard, USMC, Director, Joint Capabilities Assessment and Integration Directorate, MCCDC
Allied and Coalition Views of Future Expeditionary Warfare
- Commodore Simon T. Cullen, RAN,Australian Chief of Defence Liaison Officer to the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff
- Mr. Bradley Weiss, Director of Sales and Marketing and Corporate Counsel, Kongsberg Protech Systems
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Resourcing Expeditionary Warfare in a Decade of Shrinking Budgets
- Rear Admiral David L. "Deke" Philman, USN, Director, Warfare Integration/Senior National Representative 9OPNAV N85)
- Major General Timothy C. Hanifen, USMC, Director, Expeditionary Warfare Division, OPNAV N85
- Rear Admiral Mark Handley, CEC, USN, Commander, First Naval Construction Division/Commander, Naval Construction Forces Command
Keynote Speaker:
- Major General James A. Kessler, USMC, Commander, Marine Corps Logistics Command
- Colonel Len Blasiol, USMC (Ret), Director, MAGTF Integration Division, MCCDC
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Balancing Resources in Support of Expeditionary Warfare
- Captain Dan Colman, USN, Branch Head, N857 Naval Expeditionary Combat Command/Non-Lethal Weapons & CREW
- Captain Evin Thompson, USN, Branch Head, N852 Mine Warfare
- Captain Walt Towns, USN, Branch Head, N853 Amphibious Warfare
- Colonel James Strock, USMC (Ret), Director, Seabasing Integration Division, Capabilities Development Directorate, MCCDC