Beyond SBIR Phase II:
"Bringing Technology Edge to the Warfighter"
21 - 23 August 2007
Arlington, VA
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Technology Transition and Acquisition Excellence: Taking It to the Next Level
Moderator: Dr. James I. Finley, Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition & Technology)
- Honorable Claude M. Bolton, Jr., Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics and Technology
- Honorable Delores Etter, Assistant Secretary of the Navy, Research, Development and Acquisition
- Honorable Sue C. Payton, Assistant Secretary of the Air Force
- Ms. Katrina G. Wahl, Deputy for Acquisition Management, Missile Defense Agency
Sourcing Innovation in a Consolidated Industry: Sustaining Competitive Edge
Moderator: Ms. Kathleen Harger, Assistant Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Innovation and Technology Transition
- Mr. John Shakespeare, Washington DC Operations for Enterprise Strategic Growth, The Boeing Company
- Dr. John Waszczak, Director Advanced Technology and SBIR/STTR, Raytheon Company
Leveraging SBIR to Address Technology Needs
Moderator: Mr. Richard McNamara, PEO Submarines, Naval Sea Systems Command
- CAPT Shane Gahagan, USN, PEO(A) Program Office, Navy
- Mr. Paul Koskey, Advanced Technology Innovation Team Leader, MDA
Tapping Small Business for Technology Solutions: SBIR in DoD Agencies
Moderator: Dr. Andre Van Tilborg, Deputy Under Secretary of Defense, Science & Technology
- Dr. Robert F. Leheny, Deputy Director, DARPA
- COL Benjamin T. Hagar, USA, Deputy Director Chemical/Biological Technologies Directorate, Joint Science & Technology Offi ce for CB Defense, Defense Threat Reduction Agency (Invited)
Commercialization Pilot Program (CPP) Overview
Moderator: Mr. Michael Caccuitto, DoD SBIR/STTR Program Administrator
- Ms. Susan Nichols, Army SBIR Program Manager
- Mr. John Williams, Director, Navy SBIR and STTR Programs
- Mr. Richard Flake, Air Force Senior Planner
Open Innovation
- Ms. Joanne Hyland, President, Radical Innovation Group
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Data Rights and Liscensing
Moderator: Mr. Steve Guilfoos, SBIR/STTR Program Manager, Air Force
- Mr. Jere Glover, Brand & Frulla
- Mr. Jesse Erlich, Burns ∓ Levinson LLP
Open Architecture
Moderator: Mr. John Williams, Director, Navy SBIR and STTR Programs
- Mr. Douglas Marker, PEO IWS TT/7ST, Navy Advanced Technology
- Ms. Joan Marano-Goyco, APEO(T) - OPen Architecture
Venture Capital Financing Issues
Moderator: Mr. Thomas Weithman, Vice President and Managing Director, CIT GAP Fund
Mentor-Protege Program
Moderator: Mr. Chris Mailey, Engineer, Unmanned Systems, DoD Mentor Protege Program
- Mr. Carl Pompei, Anthrotronix, Inc.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Self-Help Support For the SBC
Moderator: Mr. Mike Zammit, Missile Defense Agency (MDA)
- Mr. Doug Schaefer, Director Manufacturing & Producibility, Missile Defense Agency (MDA)
- Mr. Tab Wilkins, Senior Technology Advisor
- Ms. Cynthia Gonsalves, Deputy Director, Office of Technology Transition & Transfer ODUSD(AS&C)
DARPA Transition Pilot
Moderator: Ms. Connie Jacobs, SBIR PM, DARPA
- Mr. Mark Heiferling, Bluetronix
- Dr. Praveen Chawla, President, EDAptive
- Ms. Mary Ann Beyster, Foundation for Enterprise Development (FED)
Commercialization Pilot Program (CPP) Overview
- Ms. Carol Van Wyk, Small Business Innovation Research Commercialization Pilot Program
Army Beyond SBIR Phase II
- Ms. Susan Nichols, Army SBIR Program Manager
Navy Beyond SBIR Phase II
- Ms. Lee Ann Boyer, DoN CPP Manager
- * Best Manufacturing Practices Center of Excellence: Mr. John S. Craighill, Senior Systems Engineer
Air Force Beyond SBIR Phase II
- Mr. Richard Flake, Air Force Senior Planner