5th Annual Disruptive Technologies Conference

"Dynamic Capability Differences"

4 - 5 September 2008

Washington, DC


Thursday, September 4, 2008

A Bridge Too Far? Integrating Disruptive Technologies in DoD

  • Mr. Tom Ehrhard, Senior Fellow, Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments

Science & Technology in a Globalized World? Anticipating Innovation

  • Dr. Brian R. Shaw, Director, Center for Science & Technology Intelligence, National Defense Intelligence College

How Technology Has Changed Today's Warfight


"Industry's Disruptive Technologies"
Track I: Constitution A

  • Digital Swarming
  • Fuel Cell Power Systems
  • Motion Displays-Fusion
Track II: Theatre
  • Leveraging the Power of Today's Cell Phone
  • Big Bear-Design, Develop, Field a Disruptive Technology
    • Dr. Gary Gilbert, Research Associate, Army Telemedicine & Advanced Technologies Research Lab


"Solving Joint Needs into Desired Joint Military Capabilities"
Track I: Constitution A

Track II: Theatre


Friday, September 5, 2008

Featured Presentations: DoD S&T in a Changing Landscape

  • Mr. Alan Shaffer, Director, Plans & Programs, Office of the Director, Defense Research & Engineering

Technology Challenges: Ultra Hard Problems
Cyber Security and Information Assurance

  • Mr. Richard Hale, Chief Information Assurance Executive, Defense Information System Agency

Biosensors & Bio-Inspired Sciences

Technology to Support Urban & Irregular Warfare

  • Mr. B. Daniel Fox, Science Advisor, Joint Urban Operations Office, U.S. Joint Forces Command

Technology Forecast