13th Expeditionary Warfare Conference

"21st Century Expeditionary Warfare-Challenges, Opportunities & the New Maritime Strategy"

20 - 23 October 2008

Panama City, FL

NDIA Expeditionary Warfare Division (EWD) Organization Chart

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Welcome and Opening Remarks:

Featured Speaker:

Expeditionary Warfare Now and Into the 21st Century

"Global Solutions in the 21st Century - The Defense/Commercial Partnership"

Combined Panel: Shipbuilding Requirements/Capabilities and Industry

  • Dr. John Pazik, Director of Ship Systems and Engineering, Office of Naval Research
  • "The Ship Acquisition Process Status and Opportunities", Mr. Art Divens, Program Executive Office, Ships
  • "Marine Corps Shipbuilding Requirements", BGen Walter L. Miller, USMC, Assistant Deputy Commandant, Combat Development an Integration, HQ USMC
  • Mr. Michael Toner, Executive Vice President - Marine Systems, General Dynamics, Inc.


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Marine Corps Strategy for the Long War

Marine Corps Aviation in Support of the Long War

  • Brigadier General Jon Davis, USMC, Deputy Assistant Commandant Aviation, HQMC

MPF Support at the Blount Island Command

Ground Equipment Requirements

Enhanced Company Operations Concept

  • Colonel Vince Goulding, USMC (Ret), Director, Experiment Division, Marine Corps Warfighting Laboratory
  • Colonel Stuart Dickey, USMC, Commanding Officer, Expeditionary Warfare Training Group, Atlantic - "Revitalizing Amphibious Warfare Capabilities"

The Long War - Strategy to Hardware (USN Focus)

NECC Battlespace


Thursday, October 23, 2008

Keynote Speaker:

Moderator: Major General Gordon Nash, USMC (Ret), Corporate Vice President of EW and Vice President Washington D.C. Operations, Sierra Nevada Corporation