13th Annual Science & Engineering Technology Conference

"Outlook for Defense S&T in a Time of Austerity: Maintaining the Warfighter's Edge During a Period of Transition"

17 - 19 April 2012

North Charleston, SC

Atttendee Roster

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Special Remarks

  • Mr. Alan R. Shaffer, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Research & Engineering, OASD(R&E)

Keynote Address:

  • Mr. Thomas Kalil, Deputy Director for Policy, Office of Science & Technology Policy, The White House

FY 2013 President's Budget Request for DoD S&T Program

DoD Basic Research Program with a Focus on Academia

Rapid Fielding, A Path for Emerging Concept and Capability Prototyping

  • Mr. Earl Wyatt, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense, Rapid Fielding, OASD(R&E)

The DoD T&E/S&T Program

DTRA S&T to Counter WMD Threats


Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Army Science & Technology Program Session

Army S&T Priority Update

Basic Research Supporting the Army Future


Naval Science & Technology Program Session

Overview of Naval Science & Technology

Innovation in Basic Science

Rapid Innovation for the Warfighter

Transitioning Technology & Opportunities


Air Force Science & Technology Program Session

Game Changing Air Force Science & Technology Investments Panel

Air Force Basic Research Game Changing Technology Investments

  • Dr. Patrick G. Carrick, Director, Physics and Electronics Directorate, Air Force Office of Scientific Research, AFRL

Airbreathing Hypersonic Technologies in the Air Force S&T Portfolio

"Back to the Future" - What History Tells Us About Contemporary ISR Challenges

Small and Large Firm Synergies to Achieve Game-Changing Capabilities


Thursday, April 19, 2012

Capabilities Needed by the Combatant Commanders Session

How Capabilities are Developed and Delivered to the Combatant Commanders






  • Mr. Lou Bernstein, Research, Development, Test & Evaluation Program Director, USTRANSCOM