28th Annual National Test & Evaluation Conference

12 - 15 March 2012

Hilton Head, SC


Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Session A: DT&E Progress and issues

  • Mr. Edward Greer, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense, Developmental Test and Evaluation, Director, Test Resource Management Center

Session B: Service OTAs Roundtable: T&E of Interoperability and Systems-of-Systems Test Design and Execution

Session C: Test & evaluation of system of systems

Session D: Improvement in T&E Instrutmentation

  • 13924 - ARDS POD Service Life Extension: Sustainment of A Critical Test Resource, Mr. Wayne T. Hostilo, USAF 46th Test Wing
  • 13927 - ASE Test Equipment Development Requirements for T&E, Mr. Jason Grimes, U.S.Army, 160th SOAR(A)
  • 13993 - Untethered Test Capability Improving Airborne Test Efficiency, Ms. Bethany Ward, Jacobs Technology, 46th Test Wing
  • 13694 - Validating The Calibration Of A Hardware-In-The-Loop Facility Using Dynamic And Monte Carlo Techniques, Mr. Chester F. Boncek, Jr., Raytheon
  • 13950 - Towed Airborne Plume simulator: A Test Asset For Open Air Testing Of Aircraft Infrared Countermeasure Systems In Realistic Operational Environments, Mr. Rick Taylor, SAIC

Session E: Improving the Requirements Review Process

  • 13742 - DOT&E Initiatives From The Middle, Mr. Darren Jolley, U.S. Army Dugway Proving Ground
  • 13686 - Soldier-Centered Analysis From Requirements To Test & Evaluation, Ms. Diane K. Mitchell, U.S. Army Research Laboratory
  • 13867 - Perspectives on the Economics of Requirements Optimization, Mr. Pete DuPré, Borland/Micro Focus
  • 13678 - Requirements Verification Tracking Best Practice, Mr. Robert S. Hunter, Alliant Techsystems
  • 13933 - Tactics For Integration of T&E In Early Requirements Development, Mr. Joe Manas, Raytheon Missile Systems
  • 13941 - Joint Light Tactical Vehicle Automotive Requirements Development, Dr. Gregory Schultz, U.S. Army Aberdeen Test Center

Session F: T&E Within the Agile Acquisition Framework

  • System Assessment and Validation for Emergency Responders (SAVER) Program, Mr. Gary Carter, Department of Homeland Security, Science & Technology
  • 13956 - Agile Development and Assessment Practices: Examples From Joint Command and Control, Mr. Brian Eleazer, ATISCRA
  • 13801 - Joint Interoperability Test Certification: Evolving the Net Ready- Key Performance Parameter (NR-KPP) and Provisioning Infrastructure to Support Department of Defense Agile Acquisition Reform, Ms. Danielle Mackenzie, Joint Interoperability TestCommand

Session G: Test & Evaluation of Autonomous Systems

Session H: Getting the Most Bang for the Buck Utilizing Design of Experiments (DoE)

  • 13959 - Efficient Test Design Using Both Design Of Experiments Methods An Modeling & Simulation, Dr. Thomas A. Donnelly,SAS Institute, Inc.
  • 13958 - Test Optimization Utilizing Design Of Experiments, Ms. Tonja Rogers, Raytheon Company
  • 13714 - Merging Operational Realism With DOE Methods In Operational Testing, Ms. Nancy H. Dunn, U.S. Army Evaluation Center

Session I: T&E In a Joint/Coalition Environment

  • 13856 - The Test And Training Enabling Architecture (TENA) - Enabling Interoperability Among Ranges, Facilites, An Simulations, Mr. Gene Hudgins, TENA / JMETC
  • 13947 - Joint Mission Environment Test Capability (JMETC): Improving Distributed Test Capatilities, Mr. Chip Ferguson, Joint Mission Environment Test Capability
  • 13802 - Coalition Interopeability Assurance & Validation And Coalition Test & Evaluation Environment: A Model For Coalition Interoperability In A Realistic Operational Environment, Mr. Jeff Phipps, Joint Interoperability Test Command


Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Session J: Test & Evaluation's Role in System Requirements

  • T&E Executive Panel: The Proper Role of T&E and the Testing Community in Defense Systems Requirements
    Chair: Dr. Catherine Warner, Science Advisor, DOT&E, OSD

Session K: Enchancing Test & Evaluation Productivity
Chair: Mr. Wink Yelverton, SURVICE Engineering

Session L: Systems Engineering's Impact on Test & Evaluation

  • DT&E and Systems Engineering Panel: Changing the DNA of Test & Evaluation
    • Dr. Paul H. Deitz, Ph.D., US Army Materiel Systems Analysis Activity
    • Mr. Steve Scukanec, Senior Engineer, Northrop Grumman Aerospace and Dr. Beth Wilson, Principal Engineering Fellow, Raytheon
  • Application Of The Missions And Means Framework (MMF) To Combat System Requirements, Development, And Refinement, Dr. Paul Deitz, U.S. Army Materiel Systems Analysis Activity

Session M: The Role of Systems Engineering in the T&E Process

  • 13932 - Systems Engineering For Test: Providing The Right Testing At The Right Time, Mrs. Louisa J. Guise,Raytheon
  • 13954 - Using Model-Based Systems Engineering To Improve Requirements Communication Amd Shared Understanding, Mr. Tim Tritsch, Dynamics Research Corporation

Session N: Science- Based Testing: The Impact on T&E

  • 13755 - Developing Science-Based Testing: Characterizing The Physical Environment With Enough Detail To Support Test Procedures, Dr. Eric V. McDonald, Desert Research Institute
  • 13917 - Practical Aspects For Designing Statitically Optimal Experiments, Mr. Mark J. Anderson, Stat-Ease, Inc.

Session O: Systems Integration & Systems of Systems

  • 13953 - The Role Of Systems Integration In Effective Test & Evaluation, Mr. Robert Koczat, The Spectrum Group
  • 13696 - Best Practices Model For Test And Evaluation Of Systems Of Systems, Dr. Beth Wilson, Raytheon

Session P: Improving the T&E Process

  • 13942 - The Value Of The Test Architect, Mr. James A. Brewer Jr., Raytheon Missile Systems
  • 13920 - U.S. ARMY Test And Evaluation Command Process For the Identification Of T&E Program Efficiences, Mr. Charles Mellina , U.S. Army Test & Evaluation Command

Session Q: Achieving Realistic Operational Testing

  • 13843 - Evaluating The "Prevention Of Fatality" Force Protection Requirement, Mr. Raffaele Croce, Marine Corps Operational Test and Evaluation Activity
  • 13914 - Assessment Of Large Engine Vulnerabiltiy To MANPADS, Mr. Gregory J. Czarnecki, USAF 46th Test Group, WPAFB
  • 13940 - Effect Of Various Preparation Methods On Live-Fire Fuel Characteristics, Mr. Andrew Drysdale, U.S. Army Research Laboratory

Session R: Improving Systems Reliability and Lowering Life Cycle Costs

  • 13836 - Identifying Reliability, Availability And Maintainability Requirements For Network-Centric Systems, Dr. Jeanne Hartzell, Marine Corps Operational Test and Evaluation Activity
  • 13739 - Optimizing Test Confidence Base On Life-Cycle Cost, Mr. Scott Bindel, U.S. Army Test and Evaluation Command
  • 13957 - Setting Programs Up For Reliability Evaluation Success: A Systems Engineering Approach, Mr. Grant R. Schmieder, High Performance Technologies Group, DRC Company
  • 13931 - Latest Reliability Growth Policies, Practices, And Theories For Improved Execution, Mr. Louis J. Gullo, Raytheon

Session S: Improvements in the Information Technology Component of T&E

  • Suggestions For Improving IT & Business System Testing, Dr. Eric Loeb, Special Assistant Director, Operational Test & Evaluation
  • 13682 - DOD Enterprise T&E Network: DISN Test And Evaluation Network, Mr. Tracey Bisbee, DISA


Thursday, March 14, 2012

Session U: Improving Test & Evaluation

  • 13892 - NDIA Industrial Committee On Test And Evaluation (ICOTE) Progress Report, Mr. Tom Wissink, ICOTE Chair, NDIA; Director of Integration, T&E, Lockheed Martin
  • 13684 - The Science of Test At The U.S. Army Yuma Proving Ground, Mr. Christoper J. Johnson, U.S. Army Yuma Proving Ground
  • Physics-Based Modeling & Simulation in Support of T&E Requirement
    Chair: Dr. Douglass Post, Chief Scientist, High Performance Computing Modernization Program

Session V: Conference Synopsis Forum

  • 13944 - Continuous Metrics For Efficient And Effective Testing, Dr. Laura Freeman, Institute for Defense Analyses