10th Annual Expeditionary Conference

"Joint Expeditionary Forces … Winning Today & Tomorrow"

24 - 27 October 2005

Panama City, FL

DTIC Citations

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

General Session

Session - Joint Battlespace Awareness and Command and Control

  • FORCEnet: A Process and a System, Captain R. Simon, USN, Director Force Net, NETWARCOM
  • MAGTF C2 Overview, Colonel R. McFarland, USMC, Director, C2 Integration Division Expeditionary Force Development Center MCCDC
  • Network-Enabled Battle Command for the Joint Fight, Colonel James B. Henderson, USA, Army, Land WarNet
  • Air Force Command and Control & Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Center, Colonel Greg Pietrocola, USAF, Advisor to the Commander, AFC21SR Center, Langley AFB
  • Composeable FORCEnet: Composeable Command and Control for Joint Expeditionary Decision Making, Mr. George V. Galdorisi, Director, Decision Support Group, SPAWAR Systems Center, San Diego


Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Session - Sustaining the Sea Base

Using Logistics to Gain Competitive Advantage: Parallels between Industry & Expeditionary Warfare
Moderator: Mr. Andrew Jones, Vice President UPS Supply Chain Solutions

  • Using Logistics to Gain Competitive Advantage: Parallels between Industry & Expeditionary Warfare, Mr. Andrew Jones, Vice President UPS Supply Chain Solutions
  • Seabasing Logistics CONOPs, Mr. Jonathan Kaskin, OPNAV N42, Director Strategic Mobility/ Combat Logistics Division
  • Seabasing a TRANSCOM Perspective, Captain Craig Galloway, USN, US Transportation Command, J5A
  • DLA Afloat, Col Jeff Hill, Chief, Distribution Management Division, Defense Logistics Agency
  • Sustaining the Seabase a View …, Mr. Nicholas Linkowitz, HQMC I&L (Code LPV)
  • Sustaining the Sea Base, Mr. Stephen Carmel, Maersk Line, Ltd.

NDIA Expeditionary Warfare Division Seabasing Sudy Brief, Mr. Paul Bishop, The Bishop Group
Session Wrap-up:

  • NDIA Seabasing Study: Logistics Section, Mr. Robert Luby, Jr., Vice President Supply Chain Management, Public Sector Leader, IBM

Session - Force Multipliers for The Joint Battlespace

  • Ship Acquisition, Rear Admiral Charles Hamilton, USN, Program Executive Officer, Ships
  • Joint Battlespace Force Multipliers, Rear Admiral William Landay, USN, Program Executive Officer, Littoral and Mine Warfare
  • Seabasing a National Imperative for the Joint Battlespace, Brigadier General Thomas Conant, USMC, Assistant Deputy Commandant for Combat Development and Integration
  • Force Multipliers for the Joint Battlespace: Issues, Challenges and Opportunities, Brigadier General Andrew S. Dichter, USAF, Deputy Director for Joint Integration, Directorate of Operational Capability Requirements, Deputy Chief of Staff for Air and Space Operations, Headquarters, USAF
  • Naval Research: A Statutory Mission, Mr. George Solhan, ONR, Director Naval Expeditionary Maneuver Warfare and Combating Terrorism S&T Division


Thursday, October 27, 2005

Marine Aviation Transformation: The Future is Now

Combating Terrorism with Technology

  • Mr. Roger Smith, Deputy Assistant Secretary of The Navy, Littoral and Mine Warfare, "Combating Terrorism with Technology"

Session - Rapid Acquisition to Support Today's Joint Operational Needs

DTIC Citations