Marine Corps Systems Command (MCSC)
Advanced Planning Briefing to Industry (APBI)

"Equipping the Warfighter to Win"

13 - 14 April 2006

Baltimore, MD


Thursday, April 13, 2006

MCSC Organization

Marine Corp Warfighting Lab

Marine Corps Systems Command Program Manager for Training Systems (PM TRASYS)

Ground Transportation, Engineering Systems Product Group 15 Overview

Light Armored Vehicles (LAV)

Overview & Strategic Vision of MCSC

Closing Remarks

MARCORSYSCOM Vendor Information Resource on the Internet

The Navy and Marine Corps Team

  • Dr. Delores Etter, Assistant Secretary of the Navy Research Development and Acquisition

Marine Corps Programs & ResourcesInvestment & Resourcing Information and Strategies; Past, Present & Future

Acquisition Needs and Trendsfor the Coming Decade

Robotics Systems Joint Project Office

Budget of the Marine Corps Systems Command


Friday, April 14, 2006

Infantry Weapons Systems Product Group 13 Overview

Lightweight 155mm Howitzer Program(JPMO-LW155)

International Programs Directorate(IPD)

Marine Corps System Command Organization

MAGTF Expeditionary Family of Fighting Vehicles (PM MEFFV)

Infantry Weapons Systems Product Group 13 Overview

Counter IED (CIED) Technology Directorate

Combat Equipment & Support SystemsProduct Group 16

Communications, Intelligence and Networking SystemsProduct Group 12

Information Systems & InfrastructureProduct Group 10 Overview

Advanced Planning Briefing to Industry

  • George W. Solhan, Deputy Chief of Naval Research, Expeditionary Maneuver Warfare andCombating Terrorism S&T Department (ONR 30)

MAGTF C2 Weapons and Sensors Development and Integration Product Group 11

Armor and Fire Support SystemsProduct Group 14 Overview


Navy Electronic Commerce Online (NECO)

Commercial Enterprise Omnibus Support Services