Biosurveillance Conference

"Creating a National Biosurveillance Strategy: Addressing the Shortfalls & Filling the Gaps"

27 - 28 August 2012

Washington, DC


Monday, August 27, 2012

Cloud-Based Computational Biosurveillance Framework

International Systems for Monitoring Viral Chatter

Biosurveillance in a Global Age: Harnessing the Expertise of the Broad Scientific Community

Integrating Tiered Orthogonal Strategies into a Global Immune System

BSV Ecosystem (BSVE) and Role 0/1 Diagnostic Devices


Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Operations and Innovation in Homeland Security Biosurveillance - Use of Novel Data and Information for Early Warning and Shared Situational Awareness

HealthMap: Novel Sources of Information on Emerging Biological Threats

Early Work on the Grand Canyon: The Daunting Cultural, Political, and Technical Hurdles Slowing the Definition, Design, and Implementation of an Effective "One Health" Biosurveillance System

Bioinformatic Strategies for Biosurveillance

Predicting Events Based on Social Media Exposure: from the Arab Spring, Natural Disasters, to Disease Outbreaks

Using Social Media to Enhance Disease Surveillance

Integration of Experimental and Textual Data for Biosurveillance

Spatial and Temporal Data Fusion for Biosurveillance

Next Generation Pathogen Characterization Workbench for Global Biosurveillance