Biosurveillance Conference
"Creating a National Biosurveillance Strategy: Addressing the Shortfalls & Filling the Gaps"
27 - 28 August 2012
Washington, DC
Monday, August 27, 2012
Cloud-Based Computational Biosurveillance Framework
- Dr. Arvind Ramanathan, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
International Systems for Monitoring Viral Chatter
- Dr. Brad Schneider, Metabiota
Biosurveillance in a Global Age: Harnessing the Expertise of the Broad Scientific Community
- Dr. C. Nicole Rosenzweig, Edgewood Chemical Biological Center
Integrating Tiered Orthogonal Strategies into a Global Immune System
- Dr. David Hirschberg, Columbia University
BSV Ecosystem (BSVE) and Role 0/1 Diagnostic Devices
- Dr. Jason Paragas, Defense Threat Reduction Agency
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Operations and Innovation in Homeland Security Biosurveillance - Use of Novel Data and Information for Early Warning and Shared Situational Awareness
- Dr. Steve Bennett, National Biosurveillance Integration Center
HealthMap: Novel Sources of Information on Emerging Biological Threats
- Ms. Jane Huston, HealthMap
Early Work on the Grand Canyon: The Daunting Cultural, Political, and Technical Hurdles Slowing the Definition, Design, and Implementation of an Effective "One Health" Biosurveillance System
- Mr. Tom Slezak, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Bioinformatic Strategies for Biosurveillance
- Mr. Bob Cottingham, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Predicting Events Based on Social Media Exposure: from the Arab Spring, Natural Disasters, to Disease Outbreaks
- Mr. Rishab Aiyer Ghosh, Topsy Labs, Inc.
Using Social Media to Enhance Disease Surveillance
- Dr. Jacqueline Coberly, Johns Hopkins Univ. Applied Physics Lab
Integration of Experimental and Textual Data for Biosurveillance
- Dr. Bobbie-Jo Webb-Robertson, Pacific Northwest National Lab
Spatial and Temporal Data Fusion for Biosurveillance
- Ms. Karen Cheng, Applied Research Associates
Next Generation Pathogen Characterization Workbench for Global Biosurveillance
- Dr. Helen Cui, Los Alamos National Lab