Human Systems Confernce

"The Human in Defense Systems: Progress & Challenges"

4 - 5 February 2014

Crystal City, VA


Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Keynote Address:

  • Dr. Patrick Mason, SES, Director, Human Performance, Training & BioSystems, Office of the Secretary of Defense


Session 1: Systems Interface and Cognitive Processing (SICP)

Naturalistic Ecologically Designed Ontology for Human - System Interaction in Immersive Environments

  • Kelly Hale, PhD, Senior Vice President, Technical Operations, Design Interactive, Inc.

Human-Robot Interaction (HRI): Achieving the Vision of Effective Soldier-Robot Teaming

  • Susan Hill, PhD, HRI Technical Lead, U.S. Army Research Laboratory (ARL)

CaN CTA Enabling Technologies for Brain and Body State Assessment and Modeling for System Interfaces

Integrating Human Cognitive States with Intelligent Systems for Optimal Human-Machine Teaming

A Natural, Multi-Modal Interface for Unmanned Platforms


Session 2: Protection, Sustainment and Physical Performance (PSPP)

Could Non-Lethal Weapons Lessen the Load for Soldiers?

Lightening the Thermal Load

  • Steve Eckels, PhD, Director, Institute for Environmental Research, Kansas State University

The Use of an Innovative Toolkit and Software Design Tool in the Development of Electro-Textile Garments

GHOST Vessel Reductions of Vessel Motion Related Injuries to Special Warfare Combatant-Craft Crewmen and Other Embarked Personnel

  • Mr. George Root, Consultant, Juliet Marine Systems, Inc.


Session 3: Personnel, Training and Leadership Development (PTLD)

Harnessing First-Hand Experience for Use in Training

  • Kelly Hale, PhD, Senior Vice President, Technical Operations, Design Interactive, Inc.

Use of Operator-in-the-Loop Simulations to Substantiate Metrics for Human-Centric Systems

  • CDR Justin Shoger, USN, Integrated LVC Architectures, NAVAIR Aviation Training Systems (PMA205)

In-Situ Training for Aircraft Carrier Sailors using Augmented Reality

Interoperable Performance Assessment to Support Adaptive Training

Using Human Behavior Modeling to Create More Effective, Scalable and Affordable Training Experiences

  • Michael van Lent, PhD, President and CEO, Soar Technology, Inc.

The ROI of Instructor Development

  • Sae Schatz, PhD, Chief Scientist, MESH Solutions, LCC (a DSCI Company)


Session 4: Social, Cultural, Behavorial Understanding (SCBU)

Embedded Ethnography: From Trenches to Understanding

  • Ms. Tonia Bartz, Senior Human Sciences Designer, General Dynamics C4 Systems

Using Crowd-Sourcing Tools and Prediction Markets to Overcome Cognitive Bias in Military Decision Making and Intelligence Analysis

Predictive Analytics: Toward an Integrated Social Network and Socio-Cultural Model Framework

  • Mr. Steven Esposito, Team Leader, Analytic Solutions, Infoscitex Corporation

Deriving Population Assessments through Opinion Polls, Text Analytics and Agent-Based Modeling

Realizing the Vision of Social Radar: Trends, Opportunities and Analysis of Sociocultural Behavior S&T for the DoD

Toward A More Faithful Representation of the Soldier in Modeling and Simulation


Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The Future of Human Systems: From S&T to Acquisition - Government Perspective
Moderator: Mr. Maris Vikmanis, Principal Human Systems Advisor; Chief Engineer, U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL)

  • Dr. Patrick Mason, SES, Director, Human Performance, Training & BioSystems, Office of the Secretary of Defense
  • Dr. Morley Stone, Chief Scientist, 711 Human Performance Wing
  • Col William Mueller, USAF, Director, 711 Human Performance Wing/Human Systems Integration Directorate


The Future of Human Systems: From S&T to Acquisition - Industry Perspective: Going Lean with HSI