Joint Service Power Exposition
"Smarter, Faster, Cheaper Power for the Future"
24 - 27 August 2015
Cincinnati, OH
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Keynote Address:
- Energy for the Warfighter, Steve Mapes, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense, Deputy Director for Expeditionary Operations
Keynote Address:
- Air Force Operational Energy, Dr. Leslie Perkins, Air Force Research Laboratory
Keynote Address:
- Overview of Marine Corps Systems Commands Efforts in Power and Energy, Warren Clare, Power Systems Engineer, Marine Corps System Command
Junior Ballroom A
Session 1: Batteries - Communication Electronics
- 17831 - LiCFx/MnO2 Hybrid Dcells Discharged Safely at Elevated Temperatures, (Dr. XINRONG Wang; Ultralife Corporation)
- 17812 - Power and Energy S&T Efforts Supporting Soldier and Basing at CERDEC, (Michael Brundage; US Army RDECOM CERDEC)
- 17927 - Betavoltaics: an innovative power source enabling next generation low-power sensor and communication devices (Tom Adams; NSWC Crane)
Session 2 : Emerging Technologies
- 17815 - Powermers' Electroconductive NanoPolymer Catalyst and Development of Liair Batteries, (Frank Scardena; Powermers, Inc.)
- 17824 - Collaborative Autonomous Ground Vehicles Achieving Energy Independence, (Dr. Richard Stroman; US Naval Research Laboratory)
- 17970 - Ultra High Energy, Safe & Low Cost Solid-State Rechargeable Batteries for Military Portable Power, (Douglas Campbell; Solid Power, Inc.)
Session 3: Platform batteries
- 17846 - Energy Storage Performance Science at Idaho National Laboratory, (Dr. Eric Dufek; Idaho National Laboratory)
- 17851 - Solving Critical Military battery industrial base challenges with Title III: Navy Program Perspective, (Keith DeVries; NSWC Crane)
Session 4: Grids
- 17825 - Stikopedia: Superior Technology Information Knowledge (STIK), (Brian Bosley; Solar Stik, Inc.)
- 17914 - SelfCOnfiguring, SelfHealing MicroGrid Tactical Operations, (Phil Robinson; Protonex)
- 17926 - Reducing Logistical Burden and Increasing Capabilities with Nanogrids, (Jason Halpern; Gridless Power Corporation
Session 5: Alternative Fuels
- 18003 - Drop-in alternative jet fuels: status of DoD's RDT&E, interagency initiatives, and policies, (Dr. Bret Strogen; OASD(EI&E))
- 18004 - Small-scale nuclear reactors for remote military operations: opportunities and challenges, (Dr. Bret Strogen; OASD(EI&E))
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Session 6: Platform Batteries
- 17923 - 6T Format Lithium Ion Batteries in 12V and 24V Configurations, (Arthur Dobley; EaglePicher Technologies)
- 17911 - Very High Power Thin Case Lithium Ion Cells, (Frank Puglia; EaglePicher Technologies, LLC)
- 17869 - Advanced NiMH High Power Battery for High Rate Applications, (Mark Kohler; G4 Synergetics)
Session 7: Fuel Cells
- 17826 - BioBattery: Alternative Power Source for Extracting Energy from JP8 without Fuel Processing, (Sameer Singhal; CFD Research Corporation)
- 17827 - Regenerable Desulfurization of JP8 for Fuel Cell Power Units, (Dr. Terry DuBois; US Army, CERDEC)
- 17801 - Lightweight austere hybrid power systems, (Ian Kaye; UltraCell LLC)
Session 8: Manportable
- 17922 - High Energy Manportable Battery, (Dr. Owen Crowther; EaglePicher Technologies)
- 17811 - Introducing NervCentr SharePack Battery, Power Manager, Harvester, Charger Share power like water., (Steve Carkner; Revision Military, Inc.)
- 17834 - Scale Up of Dry Process for Lithium Ion Electrode Manufacturing, (Michael Eskra; Eskra Technical Products, Inc.)
Session 9: Expeditionary Base Operations
- 17935 - Designing Modular, Scalable, N+x Redundant Uninterruptible Power Systems, (P. D. Madden, PE; Energy Technologies, Inc.)
- 17928 - USMC Mobile Electric Hybrid Power Systems Development Efforts, (Ms. Jennifer Gibson; Marine Corps Systems Command)
- 17930 - Battery Needs and Considerations Within the USMC, (Justin Govar; Marine Corps Systems Command
Session 10: Fuel Cells
- 17839 - Wearable Fuel Cells, (Dr. Tony Thampan; U.S. Army)
- 17921 - Fuel Cells with High Specific Power for Unmanned Systems or Expeditionary Ground Use, (Dr. Thomas Westrich; USSI)
Session 11: Generators/Man Portable
- 17917 - Manwearable Power for Dismounted Soldiers., (Christopher Ford; Ford Power Sources Consulting, Ltd.)
- 17938 - Disruptive Innovation: INI Power Systems, (Larry Markoski; INI Power Systems)
Session 12: Expeditionary Base Operations
- 17931 - USMC Advanced Power Distribution and MicroGrid Efforts (MSGT Gerald Volppr; Marine Corps Systems Command)
- 17903 - UEC's Tactical Edge Hybrid Power System, (Mark Matthews; UEC Electronics)
Session 13: Fuel Cells
- 17920 - ELighter ®: Lightweight, manportable, dieselfueled power source for the modern day Soldier, Marine or law enforcement officials, (Maj. Eelco Vroon; Defence Centre of Expertise for Soldier and Equipment)
- 17940 - Long Duration, Safe Power for Unmanned Underwater Vehicles, (Phil Robinson; Protonex)
Session 14: Vehicle Systems
- 17924 - Genair Export Power for the FMTV, (Jeffrey Givens; Graystone Defense, LLC)
- 17915 - Fuel Efficient, Lightweight, HeavyFueled Rotary Combustion Engine Program., (Dr. Alexander Shkolnik; LiquidPiston, Inc.)
Session 15: Renewable
- 17836 - Deployable Hybrid System to Reduce Expeditionary Warfighter's Energy Needs (Joseph Gerschutz; MILSPRAY Military Technologies)
- 17820 - Saft's Advanced Deployable Renewable Energy System, (Jeff Helm; Saft America)
Session 16: Logistics
- 17936 - Rethinking Energy Value, (Paul Roege; Creative Erg, LLC)
- 17933 - Facilitating a Hydrogen Infrastructure in Support of Fuel Cell Power Generation, (P.D. Madden, PE; Energy Technologies, Inc.)
- 17800 - International Efforts Related to Dismounted Soldier Systems, (Marc Gietter; U.S. Army CERDEC)
Session 17: Special Operations
- 17939 - 500 Watt, Ruck Packable, Flex Fuel Generator, (Larry Markoski; INI Power Systems)
Thursday, August 27, 2015
Session 18: Safety
- 17833 - NSWC Crane Battery Risk Reduction Assessment Process, (Michael Chatelain; NSWC Crane Division)
- 17804 - Opportunities for Safe Low Temperature Recharge, (Dr. Corey Love; US Naval Research Laboratory)
- 17819 - Lithium Ion Battery OffGas Sensor for Battery Health and Safety Monitoring, (Dr. Scott Swartz; NexTech Materials, Ltd.)
Session 19: Power Management
- 17823 - Improved Soldier Energy Performance through Simulation, (Dr. Richard Stroman; U.S. Naval Research Laboratory)
- 17802 - Tailored Hybrid Power System: Expeditionary Power Solution in an Era of Fiscal Austerity, (CW4 Ronaldo Lachica, USA (Ret.); Solar Stik Inc.)
- 17916 - Powering Smart Devices With Dumb Cables, (Phil Robinson; Protonex)
Session 20: Energy Tools
- 17941 - Hybrid Battery Systems For High Energy and High Power (Phil Robinson; Protonex)
- 17829 - Preliminary Analysis of Energy Harvesting Assault Pack, (Ms. Julianne Douglas; U.S. Army CERDEC CP&I Power Division)
- 17807 - Lithium Safety Evaluations using Isothermal Calorimetry, (Badruddin Pirani; NSWC Crane)
Session 21: Emerging Technologies
- 17832 - Supercapacitor as part of a Supercap LIIon hybrid engine starting system High power capacitors, (Carl Postiglione; Saft America)
- 17984 - Review of Common Obstacles in the Development Cycle for Novel Battery Electrode Active Material Commercialization, (Dr. James Fleetwood; ‘Battery Innovation Center)