International Infantry & Joint Services
Small Arms Systems Symposium, Exhibition & Firing Demonstration

"Enhancing Small Arms Effectiveness in Current & Future Operations"

19 - 22 May 2008

Dallas, TX


Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Session I: Joint Services Small Arms Synchronization Team (JSSAST)
Chair: COL Karl Scott Flynn, USA, Chairman, JSSAST

Small Arms Section Awards Presentation - Chinn Award

Hiram Maxim and His Machinegun: A Great Force Harnessed to a Useful Purpose

PM Soldier Weapons


Session II: Small Arms Ammunition and Technology

Lethal Limited Range Harbor Security Ammunition

Effects of Small Caliber Ammunition through Intermediate Barriers

After Barrier Effectiveness of Small Caliber Ammunition

.50 Caliber Short Range Training Ammunition

Session III: Advancements in 40mm Munitions (Low and High Velocity); Presentations by 40mm Technology Insertion Team
Chair: Mr. David Broden, Broden Resource Solutions, LLC


Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Keynote Address:


Session IV: JSSAP

Lightweight Small Arms Technologies Update

The Ultimate Caliber: Myth or Reality?

Infantry Studies and Simulations

Joint Service Small Arms Program Applied Research Initiatives

JSSAP's Future Small Arms Technology Plan: The Fusion of Science and Science Fiction


Session V: NATO

NATO Research and Technology Organization Update

NATO Infantry Weapons Standardization

  • Mr. Per Arvidsson, FMV, Sweden


Session VI: Time for a Change - U.S. "Incremental" Small Arms Fielding: Failures and Solutions


Session VII: Industry Ammunition Producers and Technology Companies
Chair: Mr. David Broden, Broden Resource Solutions, LLC


Thursday, May 22, 2008

Keynote Address:

National Small Arms Center Update


Session IX: Testing, Training and Simulation

  • Technical Evaluation, Operational Evaluation, Lessons Learned in Small Arms Procurement, Mr. Joseph Abram, NAVSEA, Crane

Suppressing Sacred Cows

NDIA Strategic Initiatives

  • Mr. David Broden, Chairman, Armaments Division; Broden Resource Solutions, LLC


Session X: Less Lethal Systems and Technology


Session XI: Weapons

Canadian Proposed Small Arms Demonstration Project

Advanced Thermal Management of Automatic Rifles

Implementation of the New Israeli Light Machine Gun (LMG), "The NEGEV", as a Fire Power Multiplier in the Current and Future Battlefields: Assessments & Conclusions

Experimental Performance Analysis on Recoil Pad for Reducing Firing Shock Force

Development of a Non-Lethal 12ga. Shotgun System for Use with the EM113REV


Session XII: Fire Control

Fire Control Units for Thermal Weapon Sights

Aimpoint BR8: A Fire Control System for Small Arms

Real Time Fire Control Solution for Individual and Crew-Served Direct Firing Infantry Weapons: Algorithm and Implementation