Physics-Based Modeling In Design & Development For U.S. Defense

"Design Innovation to Improve DoD Acquisition"

14 - 17 November 2011

Denver, CO


Monday, November 14, 2011

Tutorial Session

  • 13261 - "Identification of M&S Uncertainty and Assessment of M&S Use Risk", Ms. Simone Youngblood, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Keynote Speakers:

Plenary Session

Create Executive Panel: Overview of Create Products: AV, Ships, RF, Meshing/Geometry
Moderator: Dr. Douglass Post, DoD High Performance Computing Modernization Program

  • Air Vehicles: Dr. Robert L. Meakin,Create-AV Project Manager, DoD High Performance Computing Modernization Program
  • Ships: Mr. Myles Hurwitz, DoD High Performance Computing Modernization Program
  • RF Antennas: Dr. John D'Angelo, Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright Patterson Air Force Base
  • Meshing & Geometry: Dr. Saikat Dey, Create Meshing and Geometry Project Manager, Naval Research Laboratory
  • Portal: Mr. David Morton, Director, AFRL Maui High Performance Computing Center DSRC

Luncheon Speaker:

  • RADM Thomas J. Eccles, USN, Chief Engineer and Deputy Commander for Naval Systems Engineering, Naval Sea Systems Command

User Executive Plenary Session
Moderator: Mr. Loren Miller, Data Metric Innovations, LLC

Executive Plenary Session
Moderator: Mr. Jim O'Bryon, President, The O'Bryon Group; Chair, NDIA T&E Division


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Concurrent Sessions

Track 1 - Meshes

  • 13599 - "Interoperable Components for Parallel Mesh Generation and Adaptation", Dr. Mark Shephard, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
  • 13611 - "CUBIT and Real-World Applications", Dr. Brett Clark, Sandia National Laboratories
  • 13241 - "Multiphysics Modeling of Pre-ignition Damage in Energetic Materials and the Effect on Cookoff Violence", Dr. Daniel Turner, Sandia National Laboratories

Hydrodynamics and Aerodynamics

  • 13503 - "A Physics-Based Modeling of Surface Ship Fixed at Sinkage and Trim", Dr. Bong Rhee, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Carderock Division
  • 13378 - "CaMEL CFD Technologies For HPC", Dr. Erdal Yilmaz, Assistant Professor, Northrop Grumman Center for HPC, Jackson State University

Track 2 - SE M&S Perspectives

  • 13275 - "Moving From Empirically- Based Models to Physics-Based Models: An Incentive/Investment Strategy", Mr. James O'Bryon, The O'Bryon Group
  • 13418 - "Physics-Based Modeling: What We Can Do While We're Waiting", Dr. Robert Neches, ODASD-SE
  • 13366 - "Baselining the State of Physics-Based Modeling Use in DoD Acquisition Organizations", Mr. Frank Salvatore, High Performance Technologies

Fixed and Rotary Wing Aircraft

  • 13274 - "CREATE-AV DaVinci: Model-Based Engineering for Systems Engineering Decision Making", Mr. Gregory Roth, U.S. Air Force/ASC/XR
  • 13271 - "Firebolt - The CREATE-AV Propulsion Integration Module", Dr. Robert Nichols, Arnold Engineering Development Center / University of Alabama at Birmingham
  • 13272 - "High-Performance Computing for Rotorcraft Modeling and Simulation, Dr. Roger Strawn, U.S. Army AMRDEC

Track 3 - Model Deployment Methods

  • 13457 - "Portal Development for HPC at Maui High Performance Computing Center", Mr. David Morton, Air Force Research Laboratory

Track 4 - HPC Use for Design, Development, and Testing

  • 13211 - "The Use of Physics of Failure Tools for Reliability Improvement and Addressing Modularity Issues in Evaluation and Physical Testing", Dr. Richard Heine, Army Materiel Systems Analysis Activity
  • 13293 - "Computational Fluid Dynamics for Simulation Based Design: Challenges and Opportunities", Dr. Pradeep Raj, Denmar Technical Services
  • 13490 - "Application of High-Fidelity Computational Fluid Dynamics to Design Optimization for Missile Static Stability", Dr. Gregory McGowan, Corvid Technologies
  • 13444 - "Development of the CREATE Integrated Hydrodynamic Design Environment (IHDE)", Mr. Bob Ames, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Carderock Division


Thursday, November 17, 2011

Concurrent Sessions

Track 8 - Cost Analysis and Software Engineering

  • 12946 - "Optimizing Data Driven Cost Estimating Models for Space Mission Analysis and Design", Mr. Zachary Jasnoff, PRICE Systems

Track 9 - Eletro-Optic and Radio Frequency Devices

  • 13308 - "Physics-Based Performance Analysis with High Fidelity, Dynamic, Real-Time EO Scene Generation", Dr. Michael Rivera, Raytheon Missile Systems

Track 10 - From Concept to Production

  • 13234 - "Rapid Design and Integration (RDI)", Mr. Adrian Mackenna, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Carderock Division

Track 11 - Explosives and Combustion

  • 13305 - "Physics-Based Modeling and Simulation of Shock-to-Detonation Transition in Energetic Materials", Dr. Thomas Jackson, IllinoisRocstar