32nd Annual National Test & Evaluation Conference

"Strategic T&E Collaboration: Government & Industry Partnering to Achieve Decisive Operational Advantage"

6 - 8 March 2017

San Diego, CA


Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Keynote Address:

Featured Speaker:

  • Col Hans Miller, USAF, Division Chief, Policy, Programs & Resources, U.S. Air Force

Featured Panel: Hypersonics T&E
Moderator: Larry Graviss, President, Eagle Engineering Group

  • Mike Johnson, Engineering Fellow, Raytheon Company
  • Dr. Edward Kraft, Associate Executive Director of Research, University of Tennessee Space Institute
  • Dr. Miles Palmer, President, 8 Rivers Capital
  • Dr. Nathan Tichenor, Research Assistant Professor, Texas A&M University
  • Col Timothy West, USAF, Senior Materiel Leader, Test Operations Division, Arnold Engineering Development Complex

Autonomous Vehical T&E Panel
Moderator: Reed Young, Program Manager, Robotics and Autonomy, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory

  • Dr. David Bossert, Director, Corporate Technology Area, Raytheon Company
  • Dr. Katherine Lemos, Director, Autonomy, Northrop Grumman Corporation
  • Chris Mazur, Range Sustainability, Test Resource Management Center

Featured Speakers: Cyber T&E

Featured Panel: Cyber T&E
Pete Christensen, Director, National Cyber Range, Test Resource Management Center and
Joe Manas, Chief Systems Test Architect, Raytheon Company; Chairman, NDIA Test & Evaluation Division

  • Mark Bradbury, Engineering Fellow, Raytheon Company
  • SES Danny Holtzman, USAF, Technical Director, Cyber, U.S. Air Force
  • Alex Hoover, Deputy Director, Cybersecurity Programs, Office of Systems Engineering, U.S. Department of Homeland Security
  • Drew Schaffner, Systems Security Engineer, Northrop Grumman Corporation
  • Mr Randy Smith, The Boeing Company


Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Keynote Address:

  • Robert Miele, Executive Technical Director/Deputy to the Commander, Test & Evaluation Command, U.S. Army

Featured Presenter

  • Dr. Steve Hutchison, Director, Office of Test & Evaluation, U.S. Department of Homeland Security

Featured Panel: Test Range Efficiency Panel
Moderator: Brendan Rhatigan, Deputy Site Director, F-35 Integrated Test Force, Lockheed Martin Corporation

  • John Gurka, Head, Sea Range Operations Division, Naval Air Warfare Center
  • Darrin Loken, (part 1) (part 2) Chief, Radio Spectrum Branch, Test Resource Management Center
  • Henry Melton, Department Manager, Flight Test Engineering, Northrop Grumman Corporation
  • David Silsbee, Scheduling Supervisor, OSOS, Edwards Air Force Base


Concurrent Sessions

  • Autonomous Vehicle Track: Unmanned & Autonomous Systems Test Program Strategy
    • Dr. Robert Grabowski, Research Engineer, The MITRE Corporation
  • T&E Best Practices Track: The New Normal - Continuous Testing by T&E


Concurrent Sessions

  • Autonomous Vehicle Track: Testing UAV Autonomy Algorithms in Complex Operating Environments
    • Bill D'Amico, Principal Professional Staff, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
  • Sys of Sys, STAT, M&S Track: Computational Prototyping Environments (CPEs) - A Strategy for the Cost Effective Acceleration of DoD Weapon Systems Development
    • Earl Wyatt, President, E. Wyatt & Associates Consulting
  • T&E Best Practices Track: Lessons Learned in Planning and Executing F-35 Full Weapon System Testing
    • Brendan Rhatigan, Deputy Site Director, F-35 Integrated Test Force, Lockheed Martin Corporation
  • U.S. Department of Homeland Security Track: Explosives Simulant Verification and Validation
    • Robert Klueg, Branch Chief, Spectroscopy Technologies Developmental Test and Evaluation, U.S. Department of Homeland Security/S&T/CDS/TSL


Concurrent Sessions

  • Autonomous Vehicle Track: Testing, Evaluation and Control of Heterogeneous Largescale Autonomous Vehicles
    • Dr. Abdollah "Ebbie" Homaifar, Director, Autonomous Control and Information Technology Institute
    • Dr. Ali Karimoddini, Deputy Director, TECHLAV, DoD Center of Excellence in Autonomy
  • Sys of Sys, STAT, M&S Track: The Air Force Vision for Capability Development - From Concept to T&E
    • Dave Panson, Electronics Engineer, U.S. Air Force Office of Strategic Development Planning & Experimentation
  • T&E Best Practices Track: Role of the Cyber T&E Range Executive Agent
    • COL Chip Ferguson, USA (Ret), JMETC Program Manager, DoD Test Resource Management Center
  • U.S. Department of Homeland Security Track: Results of Improved Collaboration Between Explosives Equipment Vendors and DT&E Engineers
    • Michael Snyder, Branch Chief, X-ray Inspection Technologies Developmental Test and Evaluation, U.S. Department of Homeland Security/S&T/CDS/TSL


Concurrent Sessions

  • Autonomous Vehicle Track: Warfighter Trust in Autonomy
  • Sys of Sys, STAT, M&S Track: Combinatorial Testing for Link-16 Test and Evaluation
    • Timothy McLean, Senior Technical Advisor, Test Engineering Branch, U.S. Marine Corps Tactical Systems Support Activity
  • T&E Best Practices Track: Translating End Product Verification Requirements Into Enabling Product
    • Wyatt Brigham, Engineering Manager, Test Planning and Requirements Section, Northrop Grumman Corporation
  • U. S. Department of Homeland Security Track: Development Test and Evaluation (DT&E) Bottle Liquid Scanner (BLS) Program
    • Michael Barrientos, Certification Readiness Test Lead, Bottled Liquid Scanner Systems, U.S. Department of Homeland Security/S&T/ CDS/TSL


Concurrent Sessions

  • Autonomous Vehicle Track: Formal Methods for Verification and Testing of Autonomous Systems
    • Dr. Christopher Rouff, Researcher, Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory
  • Sys of Sys, STAT, M&S Track: Cyber DT&E
    • Maj Paul Keener, USMC, Cyber DT&E Lead, U.S. Marine Corps Tactical Systems Support Activity
  • T&E Best Practices Track: Successful Distributed and Cyber Testing with TENA and JMETC
    • Gene Hudgins, Director, Test and Training Environments, TENA/JMETC
  • U.S. Department of Homeland Security/ U.S. Department of Defense Track: Case Study in DoD/DHS Partnership
    • John Beck Jr., Deputy Director, Land Systems Operational Test and Evaluation Authority, U.S. Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Customs and Border Protection
    • Terry Murphy, Deputy Director, Policy & Workforce Development, U.S. Department of Homeland Security


Concurrent Sessions

  • Autonomous Vehicle Track: Test and Evaluation of Autonomous Systems: Challenges and Opportunities of Evaluating Trust
  • Sys of Sys, STAT, M&S Track: Estimating Variability of Injuries in Underbody Blast Live-fire Testing for Evaluating Modeling and Simulation
    • Brian Benesch, Mechanical Engineer, SURVICE Engineering Company
  • T&E Best Practices Track: Applying the Gaps Model of the Service Industry: Five Ways that Prevent Test & Evaluation from Meeting Customer Expectations
  • DARPA Track: DARPA Robotics Challenge : Ten Years of Lesson Learned Put into Action