24th Annual National Test & Evaluation Conference

"Test & Evaluation of Autonomous Systems and
The Role of the T&E Community in the Requirements Process"

25 - 28 February 2008

Palm Springs, CA


Monday, February 25, 2008

Tutorial Sessions
Session A

  • "Combinatorial Testing: Required Knowledge in a World Where Traversing Every Possible Path is Impossible", Dr. Mark Kiemele, President and Cofounder, Air Academy Associates
Session B


Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Session A
Chair: Mr. James O'Bryon, Chairman, NDIA T&E Division

Conference Kickoff Caucus
Unmanned Systems: What's New, What's Not?
Chair: VADM Joseph Dyer, USN (Ret), Executive Vice President & General Manager, iRobot Corporation

Government Keynote Address:

Session B
Chair: Dr. Juan A. Vitali, Chief, T&E, Joint PEO Chem Bio Defense

Luncheon Speaker:

  • "Motivating Young Americans to Pursue Robotics Technology", Mr. Marco Ciavolino, President, Enktesis, LLC

Session C
Chair: Dr. Paul H. Deitz, Acting Director, HRED, ARL

  • "Unique Range Challenges of UAV/RPV/UUV Test and Evaluation", RDML David Dunaway, USN, Commander, Naval Air Warfare Center, Weapons Division, China Lake, AIR 5.0 Assistant Commander for T&E
  • "Airspace Management Issues for UAVs, RPVs", Mr. Jeffrey "Goldy" Goldfinger, ASTM Committee F38 Vice Chairman, L-3 Communications, Inc.

Concurrent Focus Session D
D1 - T&E Role in System Requirements
Chair: Dr. Lowell Tonnessen, IDA

  • "Interoperability Testing in a Net Centric Environment; The Role of the Test Community in Development and Assessment of System-of-System Requirements", Mr. Frank Alvidrez, MTSI Corporation
  • "Automatic Generation of Requirement Specifi cations (Verifi cation)", Mrs. Monika Morgan, General Dynamics Land Systems
  • "Improving Requirements & Testing Process for Rapidly Fielded Unmanned Aircraft System Program", Mr. Jeremy S. Dusina, U.S. Army Evaluation Center
  • "Individual Protection in a CBRN Environment: Case Studies of the Role of T&E in Requirements Generation", Ms. Karen McGrady, JPM Individual Protection

D2 - T&E Policy Issues
Chair: Mr. Dick Dickson, Tybrin Corporation

  • "Application of MIL-HDBK-189 Reliability Growth Analysis (RGA) on Mobile Gun System (MGS) Product Verification Test (PVT)", Dr. Dmitry Tananko, General Dynamics Land Systems
  • "Innovative Acquisition Methodologies in Support of Test & Evaluation Objectives", Mr. Frank Parker, General Services Administration
  • "Applicability of Evolutionary Strategies for Acquisition of Autonomous Systems", Dr. Ebru Sarigol, STM AS, Turkey
  • "Unmanned Systems Safety Guide for DoD Acquisition", Mr. Michael Demmick, NOSSA, N314, WSESRB
  • "Unmanned Vehicle Synthetic Environment", Mr. Angelo Prevete, Lockheed Martin Corporation

D3 - OT&E Challenges
Chair: RADM "Bert" Johnston, USN (Ret), Wyle Laboratories

  • "Operational Testing (OT) and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles", Mr. Curt Cook, ODOT&E, OSD
  • "Test Pilot's Role in Flight Test of Unmanned Vehicles", Mr. Roy Martin, Northrop Grumman Corporation
  • "Testing in a Joint Environment Measures Framework", Mr. Max Lorenzo, JTEC
  • "Challenges for Testing in Defense System of Systems Environment", Dr. Judith Dahmann, MITRE Corporation
  • "Evaluating Autonomy of UAVs", Dr. Herbert Hecht, SoHar, Inc.


Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Session E
Chair: Dr. Mark Kiemele, President and Cofounder, Air Academy Associates

  • "Ground Robotics, Where Are We Headed?” Ms. Ellen Purdy, Director, Joint Ground Robotics, OUSD (AT&L)
  • Former DOT&E's Weigh-in on T&E Issues
  • NDIA Industrial Committee on Operational T&E (ICOTE) Update from the Chairman, Mr. Larry Graviss, President, Eagle Engineering, Inc.

Session F - Conference Town Meeting
Chair: Dr. Paul H. Deitz, HRED, ARL and Mr. Britt Bray, DRC Corporation

Session G - Government Studies / Reports Impacting the T&E Community
Chair: Mr. William Yeakel, President, ORSA Corporation

  • "Opportunities to Optimize the Operational Use of Unmanned Systems and Gain Synergy in Developing New Capabilities", Ms. Sharon Pickup, GAO, DC and Mr. Michael Sullivan, GAO, Dayton

Concurrent Focus Session H
H1 - T&E Analytical Approaches
Chair: Dr. Anne Hillegas, Applied Research Associates, Inc.

  • "Live, Virtual, and Constructive Simulation Use for Unmanned Vehicle Requirements and T&E", Mr. Gary Kollmorgen, Referentia
  • "The Four Element Framework: Progress Towards an Integrated and Mission-based T&E Strategy", Mr. Chris Wilcox, Army Evaluation Center
  • "An Enterprise Environment for Information Assurance / Computer Network Defense T&E", Mr. Steve Moore, Booz Allen Hamilton
  • "Applying Design of Experiments Methodology to Sortie Generation Rate T&E", Mr. Joseph Tribble, AVW Technologies

H2 - Test Instrumentation / Data Collection / Architecture
Chair: Mr. Britt Bray, DRC Corporation

  • "TRIZ and Measurement and Detection Problems", Mr. Michael Slocum, Air Academy Associates
  • "Time Space Position Information (TSPI) T&E Instrumentation Technology Investment Plan – Ensuring T&E Ranges Can Meet the Test Requirements of the Future", Mr. Dick Dickson, Tybrin Corporation
  • "Semi-Autonomous Delivery Transport Vehicle for Undersea Sensors System Integration Testing Results Lessons-Learned", Mr. Pete Reinagel, SYS Technologies
  • "Test and Training Enabling Architecture, TENA, an Important Component in Joint Mission Environment Test Capability (JMETC) Successes", Mr. Gene Hudgins, BAE Systems
  • "Preserving Critical Knowledge", Mr. Roy Weber, VSE Corporation

H3 - T&E Role in System Requirements
Chair: Mr. Charles Larson, SURVICE Engineering

  • "Warfare Systems Engineering Challenges and T&E Approaches", Mr. Robert Connerney, Naval Undersea Warfare Center Division, Newport
  • "Integrating T&E into DoD Acquisition Contracts", Ms. Darlene Mosser-Kerner, OUSD (AT&L)
  • "Improving T&E Participation in the Requirements Generation Process", Mr. Keith Montgomery, Lockheed Martin Corporation


Thursday, February 28, 2008

"UAVs On-campus R&D"

  • Dr. Steve Hottman, Physical Sciences Lab, Associate Dean, New Mexico State University

Session I - Reports From the Combat Zone: OIF & OEF

  • "ATEC Forward Operational Assessment Team", COL Mark Mills, USA, U.S. Army ATC
  • "Lessons Learned in Fielding a UAS RQ4A Global Hawk in the Combat Theater", Mr. Sam McKeehan, Northrop Grumman Corporation