Armament Systems Forum & Firing Demonstration
"Shaping the Armament Enterprise to Meet Evolving Global Requirements"
1 - 4 May 2017
Fredericksburg, VA
Monday, May 1, 2017
Concurrent Tutorial Sessions:
Tutorial A:
- Insensitive Munitions Requirements, Technology, and Testing, Dr. Ernie Baker, NATO MSIAC
Tutorial B:
- ARDEC Tissue Damage Model - An Unclassified Damage Model for Use by Industry
- Gavin McFarland, Mechanical Engineer, U.S. Army ARDEC
- Lead Free Primer Formulation and Manufacturing Solutions for Small Caliber Ammunition - Board
- Dan Mansfield, Orbital ATK Lake City
- Anthony Hawthorne, ARDEC Project Engineer, Project Manager Maneuver Ammunition Systems, U.S. Army
- Jeremy Mills, Winchester
- Jared Smith, Fiocchi
- Peter Spatz, RUAG
- Bruce Webb, NAMMO
Tuesday, May 2, 2017
General Session:
Welcome and Administrative Announcements
- Dave Broden, NDIA Armament Division Chair; President, Broden Resource Solutions, LLC
NDIA Welcome:
- CAPT Bruce Roulstone, USN (Ret), Vice President, Program Development, NDIA
MRAS Keynote Address:
- John Hedderich, III, Director, U.S. Army, ARDEC
U.S. Army Keynote Address:
- COL William Nuckols, USA, Director, Mounted Requirements Division, U.S. Army
U.S. Army Special Operations Command Keynote Address:
- COL Samuel Ashley, USA, G-8, U.S. Army Special Operations Command
Awards Presentation
Small Arms Awards
- Chinn Award: Dan Shea, Phoenix Defense
- Hathcock Award: Todd Hodnett, Accuracy 1st, Inc.
- Ambrose Award: Oehler Research, Inc.
U.S. Navy Keynote Address:
- Dr. John Burrow, Navy Research, Development, Test and Evaluation
PEO - Ammunition Presentation
- Jim Shields, Program Executive Officer, PEO Ammunition
DARPA Presentation
- Jerome Dunn, Science & Technology Program Officer, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
Views from Congress on Acquisition Reform Presentation
- Jeremy Hayes, Professional Staff, Section 809 Panel on Streamlining and Codifying Acquisition, Former Professional Staff Member, Senate Armed Services Committee
- Charles Zisette, NAC/DOTC
Additional Presentations
- Ted Maciuba, US Army Maneuver Center of Excellence
- Glenn Dean, PEO Ground Combat Systems
Wednesday, May 3, 2017
Concurrent Tracks: (SA, GARM & UEA)
Small Arms Track
Session I: MCSC PM Weapons- COL Michael A. Manning, USMC, USMC PM Infantry Weapon Systems
Session II: PM Soldier Weapons
Chair: COL Brian Stehle, USA, PM Soldier Weapons
- LTC Loyd Beal, III, USA, Product Manager, Crew Served Weapons
- LTC Steven Power, USA, Product Manager, Soldier Weapons
Session III: PM MAS
Chair: COL Moises Gutierrez, USA, Project Manager, Maneuver Ammunition Systems
- LTC John Masternak, USA, Product Manager, Maneuver Ammunition Systems
- Christopher Seacord, Product Manager, Maneuver Ammunition Systems
Session IV: NATO Weapons and Sensors Working Group Panel Discussion
Chair: Dr. Barton Halpern, NATO Weapon and Sensor Group Chairman
- Mark McFadden, JSSAP, U.S. Army ARDEC
- Dr. David Dye, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Crane Division
- David Long, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Crane Division
- Wayde Thomka, PM Soldier Sensors and Lasers, U.S. Army
- Hendrik Vercruyssen, Belgian Defence
- CWO John Yoshida, Soldier Systems Program Management (DSSPM) Canadian Armed Forces
Session VI: JSSAST Panel
Chair: Augustine Funcasta, U.S. Army RDECOM-ARDEC
- Col Christopher Deguelle, USAF, U.S. Air Force Security Forces Center
- Craig LaMudge, U.S. Coast Guard
- CDR Christopher England, USN, N96C, Naval Surface Warfare
- LTC Mark Owens, USA, PEO SOF Warrior
- COL Kurt "Travis" Thompson, USA, Soldier Requirements Division
- Christopher Woodburn, Maneuver Branch Marine Corps Capabilities Development Directorate
Optimization of Machine Gun Barrels Using Additive Manufacturing (19254)
- Adam Jacob, U.S. Army ARDEC
JSSAP Science and Technology Advisory Council (19258)
- Dr. Barton Halpern, U.S. Army ARDEC
Measurement and Quantification of Blowback Resultant of Suppressor Use in Small Arms (19270)
- Adam Jacob, U.S. Army ARDEC
Guns, Ammunition, Rockets & Missiles Track (GARM) Track
MRAS Panel Discussion
Chair: Dave Broden, NDIA Armament Division Chair; President, Broden Resource Solutions, LLC
- John Hedderich, III, U.S. Army, ARDEC
- Chris King, BAE Systems
- Mike Pattison, Meggitt Defense Systems
- Rollie Dohrn, Orbital ATK
- Jerome Dunn, Program Manager DARPA Tactical Technology Office
A New Concept in Mobile Weapon Systems (19375)
- Jerome Nathan, Senior Design Engineer, Mandus Group, Ltd.
Abrams Lethality Enabler (ALE) (19476)
- Anand Bahadur, U.S. Army ARDEC
25mm MK38 MOD 3 Machine Gun System Qualification Status (19444)
- Jim McConkie, NSWC Dahlgren
Guided Projectiles for Enhanced Expeditionary Engagement Capability (19271)
- Sanford Steelman, NSWC Dahlgren
Rethinking User Interface Design and Evaluation (19343)
- Korinne Dobosh, U.S. Army ARDEC
Automated Pointing of Indirect Weapon Systems - A Lesson in Kinematics (19256)
- Joshua Stapp, U.S. Army ARDEC
MSIAC - Supporting the Munitions Safety Community (19250)
- Dr. Ernest Baker, NATO Munitions Safety Information Analysis Center
Unconventional Emerging Technology Armaments (UEA) Track
Integrated Antenna and Package Technologies for Projectiles (19292)
- Lawrence Rubin, Systems Engineering Group, Inc.
Thursday, May 4, 2017
Small Arms Track
Concurrent Sessions: (0800-1030)
Session VIII: Ammunition
Chair: Dr. Dion Serben, PhD, NSWC IHEODTD
- The Effects of Propellent Position on Small Caliber Ballistic Performance (19293)
- Connie Lusto, U.S. Army, ARDEC
- Factors Affecting Dispersion of M118LR Sniper Ammunition (19393)
- Zachary Krogstad, U.S. Army ARDEC
- Maintaining Overmatch and Standardization for Future NATO Small Arms (19394)
- David Zhou, Independent
- Design and Implementation of Reduced Range Training Ammunition (19429)
- Raymond Chaplin, U.S. Army ARDEC
Session IX: Related Enabling Technology and Modeling and Simulation (RETMS)
Chair: Raymond Chaplin, ME, ARDEC
- Test Methods for Quantitative Small Arms Flash Measurements (19406)
- Dr. David Dye, NSWC Crane
- Development of Standardized Test Methods for Quantitative Small Arms Thermal Signature Measurements (19407)
- Dr. David Dye, NSWC Crane
- Studies on Composition and Manufacturing Process for 5.56mm Tracer Ammunition (19420 and 19433)
- Daniel Mansfield, Orbital ATK
- Suppressed Upper Reciever (SURG) Testing Methods (19422)
- Caleb McGee, NSWC Crane
- Improving 5.56 Tracer Ammunition Dispersion (19435)
- Andy Boman, Orbital ATK
Multiple Trajectory 40mm Grenade Launching System (19185)
- Howard Kent, Armor Development Group, LLC
Phase Change Micro-Barrel Jacket Liquid Cooled Machine Gun Barrel For Continuous Fire (19187)
- Howard Kent, Armor Development Group, LLC
KEYMOD VS. M-LOK TM Modular Rail System Comparison (19427)
- Caleb McGee, NAVSEA
Evolving Legacy DON Stabilized Small Arms Weapon Systems by Enhancing At-Sea Live Fire Testing Without Using Water (19291)
- Mark Thoreson, NSWC Crane
Thursday, May 4, 2017
Guns, Ammunition, Rockets & Missiles Track (GARM)
Concurrent Sessions: (0800-1030)
Continuation of Warheads and Energetics Session
Chairs: Ralph Tillinghast, U.S. Army ARDEC and
Jeff Siewert, Arrow Tech Associates, Inc.
Sub-Miniature Laser Igniters (19472)
- John Hirlinger, U.S. Army ARDEC
Accurate Determination of Weapon System Attitude in a Testing Environment (19426)
- Andrew Tse, U.S. Army ARDEC
Development of Accurate Finite Element Models and Testing Procedures for Bolted Joints in Large Caliber Gun Weapon Systems (19409)
- Michael Koehler, U.S. Navy