Global Demilitarization Symposium
"Energizing the Demilitarization Enterprise Through Teamwork, Innovation & Efficiency"
7 - 9 December 2015
Parsippany, NJ
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
PEO AMMO Keynote Address:
- Jim Shields, PEO Ammunition
OSD Top Level Address & DDESB Remarks
- Thierry Chiapello, Chair & Director, Department of Defense Explosives Safety Board, Office of the Undersecretary of Defense, Installations and Environment
PM DEMIL/DEMIL Strategic Execution Plan Presentation
- LTC Terry Crank, PM Demil, PEO Ammunition & Michael Roe, Logistics Management Specialist, JMC
R&D Status Update
- Orest Hrycak, Chief Engineer, OPM Demil, PEO Ammunition
JMC Execution
- Rickey Peer, Chief, APE & Demil Management Division, Joint Munitions Command
AMCOM Execution
- Art Ather, Director, Missile Demil, US Army Aviation & Missile Command
Concurrent Breakout Sessions
Breakout 1 - NOBEL A (Session Chair: Steve Barrieres, Engineer, OPM DEMIL, PEO Ammunition)
- A Productivity Improvement Study of the APE-1236M2 Rotary Kiln Incinerator (Francis Sullivan, ARDEC)
- Advanced Pollution Control Techniques for EWI (Bob Hayes, EDE, Inc)
- Demilitarization of FASCAM Items (Peter Mullaney, ARDEC)
- Missile Demilitarization Technology Integration Efforts (Jeffrey Wright, AMRDEC)
Breakout 2 - NOBEL B (Session Chair: Orest Hrycak, Chief Egineer, OPM DEMIL, PEO Ammunition)
- Cryofracture Demilitarization of ADAM Anti-Personnel Landmines (Gary Mescavage, ARDEC)
- Evaluation of Heat Transfer Technologies as a Method to Remediate Firing Positions (Sheldon Downe, Canadian DND)
- A Green Approach to Convert Energetics to Biofuels (Pamela Sheehan, Leidos)
Breakout 3 - NOBEL C (Session Chair: Andrew Frazell, Project Engineer, OPM DEMIL
- Fuze & Landmine Demilitarization, producing "Certified as Safe" material while meeting EPA NEW MACT Standards (David Kautz, US Demil, LLC)
- Dynasafe R&D in Demilitarization (Gene Wells, Dynasafe)
- SDC Testing at Anniston Army Depot (David Strickland, ARDEC)
- Application of Contained Burn Technology (Bob Hayes, EDE Inc)
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
JOCG DEMIL Mil Subgroup Update
- Ms. Jacqueline Holkum, Chairperson, JOCG Demil Subgroup
JOCG Environmental Subgroup
- Dr. Randy Cramer, Chairperson, JOCG Environmental Subgroup
NSPA Update
- Tom Van Beneden, Project Officer, NATO Partnership for Peace (PfP) Trust Fund Projects Ammuniton Support Branch, NATO Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA)
Concurrent Breakout Sessions
Breakout 1 - NOBEL A (Session Chair: Steve Barrieres, Engineer, OPM DEMIL, PEO Ammunition)
- Thermal Treatment of NC Propellant; Answering the Need (Donald Gambill, GD-OTS)
- Off Normal Assets; How had can that be? (John Adams, GD-OTS)
- Application of Automation in Demilitarisation Processes (Karsten Wohlert, SAB)
- The Benefits and Flexibility of Mobile Demilitarisation Systems (David Hopps, DHA Global)
Breakout 2 - NOBEL B (Session Chair: Orest Hrycak, Chief Egineer, OPM DEMIL, PEO Ammunition)
- P3/ARMS 101 (JoEtta Fisher, JMC)
- DODI 4140.62 "MPPEH" - Explanation & Successful Application (Dan Linehan, USATCES)
Breakout 3 - NOBEL C (Session Chair: Rich Vanaman, Project Officer, OPM DEMIL)
- 155mm M483A1 D563 Projectile Download and Metal Parts Recovery (Saleem Ghazi, PEO Ammo)
- Liquid Propulsion Demilitarization & Disposal Program (Jeffrey Lee, AMRDEC)
- Demil in Australia (Chris Deighton, Pentarch)
- Case Studies of Rapid Chemical Destruction of Bulk and Residual Energetics (Dr. Valentine Nzengung, MuniRem Environmental, LLC)