37th Annual Guns & Ammunition
Symposium & Exhibition
15 - 18 April 2002
DTIC Citations
Tuesday, April 16, 2002
PEO Ammo - Maintaining the Lethality Edge
- Kevin Fahey, Deputy PEO, ASAALT
- Nick Vlahakis, VP, Alliant Techsystems
Session I - Tank, Mortar & Artillery Systems
- Launch Dynamics of the 120-mm XM1002 Multi-Purpose Anti-Tank (MPAT) Training Projectile, J. F. Newill, U.S. Army Research Laboratory, APG, MD
- 155 Bonus Sensor Fuzed Munitions, COL (RET) Torsten Gerhardsson, Bofors Defence AB
- United States Marine Corps Class V(W) Ground Ammunition, CWO3 Anthony Liller, USMC
- Combustible Cased 105mm Ammunition Development in Support of the Army Transformation, Enrico Mutascio, Armtec Defense Products Co.
- 105mm M393A2 Terminal Ballistics Performance Against Concrete Wall, Timothy Farrand, U.S. Army Research Laboratory, APG, MD
- XM-80 Grenade Point Burst Reference and Casing Expansion Investigations, Gary Boyce, U.S. Army Research Laboratory, APG, MD
Session II - Combat Vehicle Armaments
- Advanced Light Armament for Combat Vehicles (ALACV): Progress Update, Steven Liss, U.S. Army TACOM-ARDEC, Picatinny Arsenal
- A Prediction on Dispersion Accuracy of the Gun-Vehicle System in Self-propelled Anti-Aircraft Gun, Ma Chunmao, Northwest Institute of Engineering, Xianyang, China
- Swing Chamber Cannon: Technology Development for the Future Combat System (FCS), David Smith, U.S. Army TACOM-ARDEC, Watervliet Arsenal
- 40mm Cased Telescoped Weapon System & Warrior IFV Ingegration, David Leslie, CTA International
- Bushmaster 12.7mm Automatic Weapon, Alan Baldry and Joe Boyle, The Boeing Company
- Multi-Role Armament and Ammunition system (MRAAS) Weapon Stabilization Assessment, Gregory Johnson, United Defense Armament Systems
- AAAV 30mm HE Lethality Testing, LTC Darren Johnson, USMC
- Advanced Amphibious Assault Vehicle, MAJ Peter Cushing, USMC
- M10 Charging Handle, Greg Robinson and Dick Smith, TACOM-ARDEC, Picatiny Arsenal
Wednesday, April 17, 2002
Session III - Sea Borne Platforms
- Material Movement and Management (M3) Technologies High Volume Automated Naval Magazines, Tony Steward, General Dynamics Armament Systems
- In-Port or High Value Site Defense Using Frangible Self-Destruct Penetrator Ammunition, Scott Martin, Raytheon Electronics Systems and Mike Maston, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- Pressure Wave Mitigation Through the use of an Ullage Minimization Device, Enrico Mutascio, Armtec Defense Products Co. and Michael Thornton, NSWC Indian Head
- Dispersion Simulation & The Case Against Smooth-Bore Tubes, Jeff Siewert, Arrow Tech Associates
Session IV - Air Armament Systems
- A-50 Aircraft 20mm Gun System, Gordon Cromack, General Dynamics Armament Systems
- M-197 Dispersion Test, C. J. Toombs, NAVAIR
- Correlation of Analysis and Firing Test Results for a Turreted Gatling Gun System, Callista Rodriguez, General Dynamics Armament Systems
- Defensive Armament for the V-22 Selection, Integration, and Development, Vance Barton, Bell Helicopter Textron and Edwin De Pasqual, General Dynamics Armament Systems
Session V - Fuzes, Propellants & Explosives
- DEI Digital Engineering Initiative, Ed Rempfer, USA TACOM-ARDEC and Tim McAulife, General Dynamics OTS
- The Promise Of Energetic TPE Gun Propellants From Notebook To Full Scale Verification, Paul Braithwaite, ATK - Thiokol Propulsion
- Electrothermal-Chemical (ETC) Technology Weaponization Issues, Brad Goodell, United Defense Armament Systems
- TNO-PML overview of enabling techniques for IM development, Gert Scholtes, TNO Prins Maurits Laboratory-The Netherlands
Session VI - Gun Systems & Fire Control
- QuickLook: Changing the Way the US Army Looks at the Battlefield, Rob Werko, U.S. Army TACOM-ARDEC, Picatinny Arsenal
- Assessment of Precision Guided Munition Terminal Accuracy Using Wide Area Differential GPS and Projected MEMS IMU Technology, Ernest Ohlmeyer, NSWC Dahlgren
- Transforming Cannon Artillery with Precision Guided Projectiles: The XM982 Excalibur Program, COL (RET) Frank Hartline, Raytheon Electronics Systems
- Barrel Armor more Firepower on target, Robert Lowey, TPL Incorporated-Albuquerque
- Low-Cost Visualization for Guided Projectile Trajectory Simulation, Mark Steinhoff and Robert Whyte, Arrow Tech Associates
- Available Medium Caliber Barrel life improvements, Robert Waterfield, The Boeing Company
- Systems Innovation for Soldier System Weapon Design, Donald Brush and Brian Hall, General Dynamics Armament Systems
- RAVEN: A New Species of Gun for the Objective Force, Eric Kathe, U. S. Army TACOM-ARDEC, Benet Labs
Thursday, April 18, 2002
Session VII - Medium Caliber Ammunition
- Fragmenting Payload Ammunition Frap, Allan Buckley, Oerlikon Contraves Pyrotec AG
- Air Bursting Munition for 40mm x 53 Automatic Grenade Launchers, Pierre Freymond, Oerlikon Contraves Pyrotec AG
- Flameless Tracer & Marker, Stewart Gilman, U.S. Army TACOM-ARDEC, Picatinny Arsenal
- Advanced Medium Caliber HEI Ammunition-Mechanically Fuzed and Delay Initiated, Brian Tasson, Alliant Techsystems, Inc.
- Developments in Medium-Caliber Bursting Munitions, Robert Becker, Alliant Techsystems, Inc.
- High Precision Metal Forming, by Albert Tatka, U.S. Army TACOM-ARDEC, Picatinny Arsenal
- Investigation of MIC Materials for Electrically Initiated Lead Free Primers, Lee Hardt, NAVAIR Weapons Division
- Low Cost Course Correction Technology, Richard Jolliffee, U.S. Army TACOM-ARDEC, Picatinny Arsenal
DTIC Citations